No, I’m Not Wonder Woman and I Don’t Wear Stilettos

Think of this as a confession.

I was recently interviewed on another blog and the interviewer made me sound like Wonder Woman. I can assure you I’m not.

What I am is a great-grandma, grandma, mom and wife who does know her limits. In order to do the writing and promoting that I want and need to do, I’ve given up some things that once were a real part of my life. I no longer shop all year long for Christmas presents. I’ve opted out to give money–and not a whole lot of that. Same goes for birthdays. After all, I have way too many to give to.

The decorating I do for Christmas is now minimal–it takes far too much time to put it all up and take it down. Hubby used to be really good about helping but now he rebels. Easier just not to do so much.

I still invite people over to dinner because I like to cook, but it’s usually spur of the moment now. I no longer set the table with my good China–we use paper plates and I serve buffet style.

Parties were something I loved to put on–we used to have one at least once a month. No more. Not just because a party is a lot of work, but I couldn’t stay up for the end. I get up early these days and I’m early to bed. Oh we do go to parties we’re invited to, but we’re nearly always the first to leave.

At mystery and writers’ cons, hubby and I disappear long before the bars have cleared and the clutches of writers have disbanded.

Promoting takes a lot of time. This month I’m on a blog tour for my latest book, Dispel the Mist, which means I have to let people know where I am every day. Thank goodness for Twitter, Facebook and the like.

I’m also doing physical things like this weekend was the Apple Festival. I always sell a lot of books, handout many cards, and talk to interesting people, but it is a lot of work and tiring. We put up the tent on Friday afternoon, had to be there on Saturday and Sunday a.m. and all set up by 8 a.m. and you must stay until the end or you’re not invited back. Exhausting.

Coming up is a weekend away. I’m giving an hour long talk on novel writing, but it’s a four hour drive to get there. We’ll be staying over–that’s also tiring though I enjoy it.

And now about the stilettos.

A woman wore a snazzy pair at the Apple Festival. They had zebra striped heels. How she managed to walk up and down that mile long street to look at all the displays I have no idea. Years ago I wore high heels all the time, but they were never stilettos. As an old lady, I’m far more comfortable in flats.

That’s my confession for the day.


3 replies
  1. Dea, Kia, Jake
    Dea, Kia, Jake says:

    You're my inspiration, Marilyn! And you are Wonder Woman. I've stopped doing a lot of things that I used to in the name of sanity but wonder if I should have. I guess it's ok to scale back, particularly since everyone is so busy all the time. You've just given me permission. 🙂 Maggie

  2. susan
    susan says:

    Marilyn, gosh reading your story here I felt I had written it and never knew it..sure glad your name was at the bottom. I have just about done the same thing except I am not a writer so those parts don't fit in for me. I retired this year and one month later was told my spine is a mess. Those were how my doctor said it. I have vertabras that are damaged..every single one . I thought I had a pinch nerve when I was having so much pain and the MRI was planned. I am not letting it get me down but I have slowed down on alot of things I used to do. I guess it was time to anyways since I am not the 30 year old anymore ..ha nor the 40 or 50 either. ha ha Have a great Halloween. susan L

  3. Misa
    Misa says:

    You are one busy lady, Marilyn! I get why you'd pare down on the things you do. All of what you do sounds fun, though, especially the apple festival.

    Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your spine.

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