Summer Reading – Part I – Murder on Wheels

The end of the school year always meant the beginning of the library’s summer reading challenge. My goal was to read the most books for my age level while enjoying what I was reading. Recently, when I finished the first draft of my WIP, I closed my computer and kicked off ten days of fun summer reading.  I devoured mysteries, biographies, literary fiction, and an anthology of short stories.

This post and my July 10th blog will discuss my Summer Reading and a bit of its impact on my writing. Fair disclosure, although the next blog will be devoted to books I purchased, today I am writing about Murder on Wheels, a book given to me because of my interest in reading, writing and reviewing short stories.

Murder on Wheels, published by Wildside Press, LLC (2015), contains eleven stories written by Austin Mystery Writers Kathy Waller, V.P. Chandler, Gale Albright, Kaye George, Laura Oles, Scott Montgomery, and invited authors Earl Staggs and Reavis Z. Wortham.  Ramona DeFelice Long deftly edited the “11 Tales of Crime on the Move.”

The genesis for this wheel related vehicle was a trip Kaye George’s husband took on the Megabus, a commercial double-decker bus.  Seeing the bus, Kaye’s mind instinctively wondered how one could successfully commit a murder and hide the body on the bus.  She consulted members of her Austin Mystery Writers group and their imaginations ran wild.

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round ties together George’s idea and the Austin Mystery Writers’ suggestions for where to hide the body.  What I found to truly make the story is Kaye George’s excellent characterizations.  With few words, she brings a reader into the heart and soul of her characters.

Although the literal me needed to ignore how a few minor things might happen in real life, much as I do when I read the Harry Potter books, Kaye George’s The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round and Have a Nice Trip, and Kathy Waller’s Hell on Wheels and A Nice Set of Wheels hit the mark for delivering perfectly pitched characters.  Each story was different, as were its characters, but there wasn’t one character in the four stories I wouldn’t want to read about again.

Gale Albright’s stories Mome Rath, My Sweet and Aporkalypse Now also depicted characters well, but their literary references to Alice and Wonderland and play on words required a bit more attention than I anticipated sharing with an author during my mindless state of fun time reading.

Rota Fortunae by V.P. Chandler was not a cozy read.  Rather, it was compelling.  Very different than the other stories in the anthology, it used setting, characterization, dialogue, and a sinister feeling to evoke a feeling of unrest that carried this reader from the first to the last word.

Whether reading about tractor, bicycle, bus or car wheels, I found myself transported by Family Business (Reavis Z. Wortham), Buon Viaggio (Laura Oles) and Red’s White F-150 Blues (Scott Montgomery).  Each individually is worth the price of a ticket for a Murder on Wheels ride.

Because it left me thinking afterwards, my favorite story in the anthology is Dead Man on a School Bus by Earl Staggs.  Staggs is a master storyteller who didn’t let his perfect use of the mechanical aspects of short story writing get in the way of crafting distinct characters and plot points. Whether talking about a pencil that isn’t being twirled, using an internal thought flashback, or juxtaposing concrete and suggestive feelings, Staggs managed to summarize a lifetime of feelings into a few pages.

Watch for my July 10th blog to see what else I read during my summer reading excursion.

Group Projects

by Bethany Maines
Remember in school when the teacher would say those dreaded
five words? “This is a group project.” Your mind races into overdrive as you
scan the class room, searching for the few students who will hit trifecta of
smart enough, pulls their own weight, and doesn’t have BO. Select outside of
those parameters are a host of problems – too smart, too lazy, too socially
active, too socially impaired ­ and the group will flounder and fail. A group
project is always a dual assignment: how well can you do the work and how well
can you work together? And we all think, “I cannot wait to get out of school,
so I never have to do another group project.”
Except, of course, that the joke is on us. Every job, with the
possible exception of Ranger Gord of the Canadian forest service, requires that
you have contact with someone to get the
job done. Ranger Gord, in case you haven’t watched the Canadian comedy show Red
Green, is a Forest Service Ranger who has been staring at the trees so long that
he now believes they talk to him and that some are possibly out to get him. You
would think that a writer and Ranger Gord would have about the same amount of
human contact, but the more I write the more I realize that writing truly is a
group project. Admittedly, I do the majority of the work and then I pass it out
to several people just so they can point out problems with my beautiful
manuscript. But those beta readers, agents, and editors do not have an easy
task. For one thing they have to deal with someone who thinks those beech trees
look suspicious and that her villain is attempting a coup to take over the
book, but beyond that they have to think critically about questions that a
casual reader can simply take for granted. For the end reader, the questions
have been answered, the decisions made, but the beta reader has to ask all the
difficult questions about when characters know something, does the timeline
actually work out, do the actions taken make sense, and the all important
question: “Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means, what you
think it means.”

And so, as I round out the final edits on my next book (High-CaliberConcealer out in November 2015), I must thank all my readers, editors, and my oh,
so persnickety copyeditor who corrects my egregious use of their, there, and they’re.
Thank you all!
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie
Mae Mysteries
, Tales from the City of
and An Unseen Current.
You can also view the Carrie Mae youtube video
or catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Nazis and Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Brotherhood, Oh, My!

 by Linda Rodriguez
(This blog originally ran on Writers Who Kill)

I am so incensed and upset about the massacre by a white supremacist of nine African American people at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston that I can’t think of anything else to write about, yet I don’t want to just add to the rhetoric about that atrocity. So I thought instead I would re-run a blog I wrote for Writers Who Kill a couple of years ago when white supremacists descended on my city–to remind us that they’re out there and are a real danger and to remind us that there’s a beautiful coalition of old and young who will stand up to them.

Yes, those are swastikas on the flags you see in that photo.
Saturday, the Nazi Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi organization in the
country, came to my hometown, Kansas City, for a national gathering to
celebrate the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht with their pals the
Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Brotherhood, and Satan’s Saints, a white supremacist
motorcycle gang.

I’m a lifelong activist. The FBI has a file on me from the
J.Edgar Hoover days (which puts me in very good company). I’ve been
teargassed in antiwar protests and had rotten tomatoes and eggs thrown at me in
civil rights marches. I’ve put in my time at trying to make this a decent
country for everyone, and as lupus, fibromyalgia, and severe asthma have taken
a toll on me and left me needing a cane, I had decided that I was done with
going out into the streets to protest or demonstrate. I figured I’d earned my
time to sit peacefully at home and finish the book for which I have an impending

Then the Nazis announced that they were coming to Kansas
City. They came to KC in 2007 to celebrate Hitler’s birthday and paraded around
in Nazi uniforms. I thought surely others would stand against them and no one
did. So Saturday saw me downtown at City Hall facing the Jackson County
Courthouse where the Nazis, KKK, and fellow travelers were supposed to bring
over a thousand jackbooted thugs to parade around to celebrate the night their
German forebears destroyed Jewish shops, killed many Jews, and started rounding
up them (and many other minority groups) for concentration camps to begin
Hitler’s Final Solution.

The same politicos who rolled out the red carpet for these
Nazis, allowing them all kinds of things that we counter-ralliers were not
allowed—bullhorns, ultra-large stereo speakers, microphone stands, and much
more when we weren’t even allowed water bottles or purses to carry our medicine
(I had to make use of Ben’s pockets for mine)—tried to keep us from protesting
against them, and when they couldn’t , organized another rally miles away,
effectively dividing the forces of reason for political purposes. So
reluctantly, after an exhausting week of work and events every night for my
husband’s job, we drove downtown early to set up for one more stand against

Even with the politicians putting pressure on organizations
to attend their rally safely miles away, seven hundred people arrived to stand
up against the Nazis—ministers, schoolteachers, college and high school
students, secretaries, longtime civil rights activists, young veterans of the
Occupy movement, active-duty soldiers, grandmothers with their grandchildren,
fiery young anarchists, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, white, African
American, Latino, American Indian, and a few women in hijabs. What was
especially gratifying to me was that the vast majority were young people.

What was not gratifying was that the police were aimed at us
and apparently had orders to threaten us with teargas and pepper spray.
Fortunately, none was used against us, but that’s why in some photos you will
see folks with bandannas or handkerchiefs over their mouths and noses. These
were the ones who’d been involved with the Occupy movement and had recent
experience of being sprayed with these toxic substances. Also, a little
disconcerting was the militarized appearance of the police. About six clearly
marked observers for the Department of Justice circulated among us—and may have
been the only reason that our peaceful gathering was not attacked by the police,
who paid little attention to the Nazis, et al.

The Nazis and white supremacists only managed to field about
three dozen people instead of the thousand-plus they had threatened. When asked
later by the press about the low turnout, they said that many turned back,
afraid of the publicity that our counter rally had drawn and afraid that they
might lose their jobs if they were publicly seen. Some dismissed that as fake
excuses, but I’ve seen the membership numbers that researchers have compiled
for these organizations, and I know they could easily field that many people.
Therefore, I count our protest a success since it inhibited more from coming
out in public.

The rhetoric was as awful as you might expect. Talk of
putting all but Aryans into “subservience.” Talk of the fun they have arming
with guns and going “hunting illegals” at the border, as if it were a sport.
Talk of the “judaization” of America and the world and how they will “cleanse”
it. But mostly it was the same rhetoric you can hear any day on talk radio or
from the extremist politicians who have seized control of Congress. That was
the eye-opener. They even played a recording from the 1980s of a deceased
leader, and it was basically Tea Party rhetoric with some extra-nasty violence
added. It underscored how far to the right our country has slid when the lines
the Nazis have been spouting for decades have suddenly become the main themes
of powerful elected politicians.

But the main takeaway of the day was the beautiful, diverse
gathering who peacefully stood up against the haters and said, “No.” That and
the heavy involvement of young people from conservatively dressed yuppie types
to the heavily tattooed anarchists who placed themselves in the front lines,
fully expecting teargas or pepper spray. I have had my days of depression and
cynicism when I look at the way things are going, but I am newly optimistic
after this glimpse of the upcoming generation, who, with all their differences,
will still stand up and stand together against violence and hate.

REPLIES TO COMMENTS (because Blogger hates me still):

Kay, I don’t blame the police in general (though some of them seemed to really belong over with the KKK, etc.). Most of them were just doing what the politicians who run the city told them to do.

Marilyn, yes, it is scary. These groups have had a renaissance of late, growing terribly in membership. And for everyone who thinks this is just a Southern problem, not so. They’re all over–Michigan, California, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Montana, Missouri, New York, Maine, you name the state and they’ve got one or all of these organizations and other like them quartered there. What I found scariest, though, was that the same rhetoric of racist and anti-Semitic hate that they’ve always used is what we’re hearing out of state houses and the US Congress now.

Marjorie, I’m sorry for what you and your colleagues have experienced. Discrimination encountered is a bitter pain, I know. I keep hoping that this atrocity, this terrible racist act, will be the catalyst that bring our society together against this vicious scourge, but so far, it hasn’t happened. I begin to despair, but not yet entirely. I still hope.

She-Shed, Me-Shed

By Laura Bradford

I want a She-shed.

There, I said it.

Have you seen these things? They’re literally backyard sheds that have been girl-ified (think man-cave but attractive).

I stumbled across this concept on Facebook the other day (saw one on my newsfeed), and I was hooked.

One day.

One day, I will have a She-shed.

And it will be so adorably neat all the time and super girl-y.

I’ll go there to read.

I’ll go there to relax.

And I’ll go there to write.

If you had a She-shed, what would yours be used for?


My Ode to Online Friendship

By Kay Kendall
Remember when news articles
decried the horror of online meetups? Headlines shrieked about how dirty old
men preyed on unsuspecting youngsters by pretending to be their same age, plus
also winsome and cute. Columnists warned that you couldn’t trust connections
made online.

If memory serves, that was back
at the turn of the millennium when those articles were rampant. I don’t think I’ve
read that kind of thing in a long time now. The online world is so much a part
of us now that using the Internet is almost as normal as walking across the
street. Sure we know dangers exist when crossing the street. We do it anyway but we are careful. Same with the Internet now. 

Of course bad things can still
develop from unscrupulous dealings online. But there is also mail fraud, phone
fraud, and so on. Whenever humans get involved, someone is going to turn the
technology to the dark side.

But, oh, what about the glories
of the light side? What about those friends you would never have met

Kay and Christy–Yes, we met online!

if not
for, say, your Facebook page?

This week I had a delightful
meetup with a friend I made online. I don’t recall exactly how long Christy and
I have been friends, but it is well over a year. She lives in the vicinity of
Dallas/Fort Worth, and I live south down Interstate 45, almost 300 miles away in
Houston. I feel safe in saying that the chances of our crossing paths were
almost nil.

Christy is an avid reader, and
she was taken with the fact that I had become an author. She had spent some
time in Houston and knew the city because of visits to relatives here. Once
upon a time I visited my grandparents in Dallas four times a year and know the
city in a similar fashion. She has an only son. So do I.

And speaking of my son, Christy
is about his age. Still, despite our age difference, she and I became friends.

A few months ago when she IM’d be
to say that she and her husband and son were going to vacation in Galveston, she
asked if perhaps we could meet. I jumped at the chance. We arranged to meet at
a Starbucks not too far from I-45 as it passes through my big city.

She and her husband and son were delightful,
so nice that they counterbalanced my occasional feeling that families today don’t
take of each other very well. Her son is now a keen reader too, and he was
well-mannered and pleasant, looking forward to starting sixth grade next fall.
Christy’s husband was what used to be called a “good family man,” interested in
talking about their three dogs, about the fishing trip they’d taken on the Gulf
during their stay in Galveston.

Christy brought me a white
ceramic bowl that I will treasure always. It sits in a metal nest of twigs, and
a bird perches on it. I gave her a copy of my new book, Rainy Day Women, and a
handful of bookmarks about it.

They got back on the road, and I
left for the post office. And my heart was filled with such joy. Wonderful
people still walk this earth, and sometimes the Internet can help you find


Kay Kendall is a long-time fan of historical novels and writes atmospheric mysteries that capture the spirit and turbulence of the sixties. She is also an award-winning international PR executive who lives in Texas with her husband, three house rabbits, and spaniel Wills. Terribly allergic to her bunnies, she loves them anyway! Her book titles show she’s a Bob Dylan buff too. RAINY DAY WOMEN publishes on July 7–the second in her Austin Starr Mystery series. The E-book and paperback are available for pre-order now, and the audio-book will be soon. 

What I Did and Learned on My Vacation

Middle daughter, me, eldest daughter, hubby, great-granddauther

We had a glorious five days in Murrieta and Temecula visiting our eldest daughter and her hubby and her two children (our grands) and their five kids (our greatgrands.)

Everyone came to visit lots. We ate delicious food in wonderful restaurants.The greatgrand in the photo cut my hair. She recently graduated from beauty school and had just graduated the night before from highschool.

We enjoyed Old-Town Temcula, tasted olive oil and vinegar pairings–ended up buying a set.

We went to the movies to see San Andreas–excting, and especially when you live in California.

Now to get the leaning part that ties all this into mystery writing a bit.

On our way home we turned onto a freeway going the wrong direction, got off to come back the right way and spotted a Taco Bell and decided to make a potty stop. Daughter (who was our driver) rushed off, and I did too–my big mistake. I tripped over one of those yellow bumps on the sidewalk in front of the handicapped parking.

Down I went, kaboom. Fell on my side, hitting my head kaboom! Taco Bell workers came out and looked and fled back inside. A nurse driving by pulled in and took one look at me and the blood pouring out of my temple and called 911.

What I tripped on, hit my head on that curb, and my blood.

Had my first ambulance ride, and first time to be the patient in the emergency room. By the way, this was a crowded but most well-run emergency room. Had a CT scan of my brain and X-rays of my back and side.

Though no breaks were seen in my ribs–that’s what bothers me most. So what I’ve learned is how badly ribs hurt when they are injured–no way does someone who’s been kicked in or has broken or even bruised ribs jump up and do all sorts of physical moving around. I couldn’t even lie down to sleep for four days, and even when I could, it hurt.

Will I use any of this experience in a book? Probably bits and pieces.

I’m just thankful that nothing more serious happened–and from now on, I’m not walking on that yellow, bumpy bit of sidewalk that seems to be everywhere.

And aside–I’ve sent my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery off to the publisher.


Writing Fitness

January, I wrote a blog about “Resolution as Metaphor” where I spoke about my
two New Year’s resolutions (to carry less in my purse and drink more water) and
wondered what those resolutions said about me. I decided, “Lightness and water
are two ideas associated with movement and flow. They enable the journey and
keep the adventurer fueled to seek new possibilities.”

I’ve been reading Jordan Rosenfeld’s A
Writer’s Guide to Persistence
(Writer’s Digest Books 2015). Most of the
chapters conclude with two sections, a “Work It” segment that provides ideas to
consider about your writing practice and routines, and a “Move It” segment that
offers suggestions for adding movement to a writer’s sedentary lifestyle. In her
first “Move It” segment (p.10), Rosenfeld points out, “Any time you’ve been
sitting for an hour or more, your body makes preparations to go into ‘shutdown’
mode—essentially it’s preparing for death. Yikes!”


online article from Women’s Health
discussed how the “sitting disease” can lead to heart disease and obesity and
perhaps shorten your life. The article indicated that long periods of sitting
may (1) cause fluid buildup in your legs leading to sleep apnea; (2) encourage
fat cells in your body to create twice as much fat; (3) cause blood sugar to
spike after meals; (4) decrease brain activity, giving you more senior moments;
and (5) make blood flow more sluggish, increasing the possibility of developing
blood clots in the lungs. (See The Risks of a
Sedentary Lifestyle: Stand Up for Your Health
by Tracy Erb Middleton,
published August 6, 2012.) The article suggested: “The key to fighting sitting
disease lies in augmenting your routine with something called NEAT, or
nonexercise activity thermogenesis. Translation: low-impact movements that keep
your metabolism humming and your circulation flowing.”

Writing fitness was addressed recently in a guest
on Lois Winston’s Anastasia Pollock blog by Kay C. Burns, a
registered nurse who writes suspense mystery. Kay also mentioned that writing
for long periods without breaks can lead to backache, eye strain, wrist strain,
general weakness, headache, fatigue, isolation, and depression. She recommended
that writers get sufficient sleep, stay hydrated, eat healthy, stay active, control
weight, and manage stress. She quoted author C. Hope Clark, who in her book The Shy Author Reborn and an
online post
for Colleen M. Story’s blog Writing
and Wellness
emphasized that keeping healthy was essential to good writing.
Hope’s routine included getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of liquids,
gentle exercise, and socializing

Hemingway, Thomas Jefferson, and Winston Churchill all were supposed to have
written while standing. In his letters, Kurt Vonnegut mentioned that he walked,
swam, and did push ups and sit ups.

In a
2006 online article titled “Exercises for Writers and Other Desk Slaves,” Elsa
O’Neal suggests some gentle movements based on yoga poses to help vary the
position of tired eyes, necks, wrists, fingers, stomachs, legs, and feet. These
exercises can be done while seated at a desk, so there’s no excuse not to stop
briefly, stretch, and vary position before plunging forward with a writing project.
If time is a factor, take a look at Colleen M. Story’s message on Writing and
Wellness for “How to Boost Your Health in Less Than a Minute a Day.” She recommends
not only exercise and fluids, but also chocolate and laughter. Surely, those
are reasons to give yourself a writing break to improve your productivity!

do you do to safeguard your health and enhance your writing?


legislative attorney and former law librarian, Paula Gail Benson’s short
stories have appeared in Kings River
, the Bethlehem Writers
, Mystery Times Ten 2013
(Buddhapuss Ink), A Tall Ship, a Star,
and Plunder
(Dark Oak Press and Media 2014), A Shaker of Margaritas: That Mysterious Woman (Mozark Press 2014),
and Fish or Cut Bait: a Guppy Anthology (Wildside
Press 2015). She regularly blogs with others about writing mysteries at the
Stiletto Gang and Writers Who Kill.
Her personal blog is Little Sources of
Joy and her website is

I Wrote a Book

I Wrote A Book by Debra H. Goldstein

I wrote a book this week. Or, maybe it was last week? The days seem to run together when I’m writing well. Hours go by before I stiffly realize daylight has faded.

I don’t know if the book is any good. I began writing it at the end of last year and thought it was a hoot. It incorporated everything that a cozy or a traditional with cozy elements needs: small town, a woman finding herself or doing something she’s not particularly comfortable with, nice language, mostly nice characters, food with a twist…you’re getting the picture. Then, my mother died and I stopped writing.

The words didn’t flow. The ideas came and I dutifully wrote them on a sticky or on a note on my iPad, but I didn’t look at them again. Short story contest and anthology deadlines came and went. Still, I didn’t write.

People asked me how my new book was coming and I told them the truth, “It’s not.” What was going well was my mah jongg playing, eating out, exercising, TV watching, volunteer meetings, traveling, and solitaire playing.

And then, one day, I woke up and remembered I wanted to be a writer. It dawned on me that a writer

needs to write. I decided to find time to do that again. For fun, I polished a story I had been tinkering

with and submitted it. I pulled up the manuscript that I had been writing and realized “No wonder I can’t bring myself to work on this manuscript. I’m not sad about my mother (well, maybe I am); the story doesn’t work because I’ve pinned the crime on the wrong character.”

I hit my head (okay, let’s pretend I hit my head), chortled, and wondered “How stupid could I be?” I edited and rewrote and suddenly I was beyond the point at which I’d stopped writing.

For the next ten days, I wrote with minimal breaks. I turned down invitations to play mah jongg and begged off attending meetings or long lunches. My fingers flew across the keyboard in beat to whatever music was being played on the Showtunes channel. I finished. 72464 of my own words.

The book will need to be edited and revised before I’ll send it searching for a home, but I held a hard copy of the manuscript in my hand today and I smiled. Good or bad, I am a writer.

That Editing… So Hot Right Now

by Bethany Maines

It’s that time again. The editing time.  The time when I get back all the stupidy stupidy line edits and have to go through and approve them. That’s the worst part.  I have to approve them.  OK, I don’t absolutely HAVE to, but the truth is about 8 out of every 10 line edits are the correct decision. Of the other two, one is probably a matter of preference and the other is absolutely right the way it was the first time. Why don’t you understand my genius you piddling moron who is merely paid to sift through the words and divine my sheer awesomeness?

It’s possible that the last sentence there was a bit of an overstatement.

But my secret internal Mugatu doesn’t think it was.

Mugatu, for those who haven’t watched the hilariously improbable Zoolander, is the fashion designer / evil genius, played by Will Ferrell, who is attempting kill the prime minister of Malaysia by brainwashing male model Derek Zoolander. Many writers, myself included, seem to yo-yo between the states of modesty (I write pretty well), ego (I’m a genius!!), and self-hatred (why would anyone read the crap I produce?). I picture modesty as the quiet saintly type – a Buddhist nun (who secretly knows kung fu) and self-hatred as the goggly-eyed guy from the Maltese Falcon who says the worst things in the sweetest voice.  And nowhere are those states of being more quickly cycled through than the editing rounds. Each tweak of the text from the editor is like some sort of judgement from on high that can send me off into a Mugatu-esque rage or goggly-eyed shame spiral.  It’s up the the Kung Fu nun to bring balance and harmony. Although, admittedly sometimes the nun needs a little help from a glass of wine and a jog around the block.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie
Mae Mysteries
, Tales from the City of
and An Unseen Current.
You can also view the Carrie Mae youtube video
or catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook.

To Prologue or Not to Prologue

by Marjorie Brody

I need your opinion. In my next psychological suspense novel, That Night, an event occurs when the protagonist is five years old. The story is told from two points of view, the daughter’s and the mother’s. It’s the daughter’s story of discovery about what happened that night.

Normally, I’d start the story with the inciting incident, the trigger that pushes the now-grown daughter to pursue what happened, and if I needed backstory, I’d sliver it in, in teeny-tiny pieces. But in this story, it’s crucial for the reader to experience the whole scene of what occurred so they will understand the characters’ interpretations about the event that sets up the whole novel.

The main scene seems too much for a prologue. I could jump back and forth from past and present (labeling the years), or I could divide the book into two parts. Part I would begin twenty-two years earlier, be told from the mother’s and the daughter’s points of view. Part I would span several years. Part II would only be told only from the daughter’s perspective–although the mother would be involved–and would all happen within one month in the present.

I’m sure you’ve read, and/or written, stories where there is strong action in more than one time frame. (Most novels contain significant backstory or prior character wound, but the reader doesn’t need immediate exposed to all those details, just how it affects the protagonist in the present.) When you’ve read those types of novels, what style of transition feels most comfortable as a reader? Or doesn’t it matter as long as the time frames are clear and the story is compelling?

To give you a flavor of what I’m writing, here’s an excerpt.

Twenty-two years earlier
The Daughter

There had been fights before, but never this loud, never this scary.

When Daddy Trey slammed Mommy onto the bed and Mommy kicked him in the pee-pee, Angelina came out of her hiding place, scooped Baby Brother off the pillow and ran from the bedroom. She grabbed his cuddly blue blankie off the floor in the hall and darted out the trailer.

Late afternoon air blew its frosty breath at her, but she was in too much of a hurry to go back inside and get her coat or change her bunny slippers for leggings and boots. Mommy had said they could stay in their nightgowns for the whole day. Now she wished they had gotten dressed.

She placed the blanket in her Red Flyer wagon, set Baby Brother in the middle of it and tucked the rest of the blankie around him.

“Good baby,” she said, relieved Jamie wasn’t making a fuss. She didn’t have time to hold him and rock him like she did when Mommy yelled, “For God’s sake, Angie, keep that kid quiet. I’m trying to sleep.” She needed him to be good, and he was. He didn’t cry. He didn’t squirm.

“Thank you, Baby Brother. I love you.”

How could anyone not love Baby Brother? He had such a cute face, and the tiniest  fingers and toes. Angelina didn’t even mind that Daddy Trey liked Jamie better than he liked her. Mommy said she liked them both the same, but Angelina knew better. Baby Brother was special. He came out of Mommy’s belly way before anybody ‘spected him to—which explained his being so tiny and all—but he came out on Mommy’s birthday, so he was Mommy’s present, even if sometimes she wanted to take him back. She liked to take things back. She’d buy a new dress to go dancing with Daddy Trey at the Joint, and the next morning she’d put the tag back on and take the dress back to the store. But Jamie didn’t have a tag, so Angelina hoped Mommy wasn’t allowed to give him back.

More than Mommy, and even more than Daddy Trey, Angelina loved Baby Brother, and he loved her. She could tell. He liked it when she rocked him. He would smile his baby smile at her, with his perfect little lips flickering up at the corners. Mommy said it was gas and not a real smile, but what did she know? Babies didn’t have gas. Cars had gas.

The rest of the scene continues to shows what happened that night.

So, let me know what kind of organizational style you enjoy reading when there are significant events in two time frames and they link in life-altering ways. Maybe then I can stop organizing and reorganizing this novel and get That Night into the hands of the agent and editor who are waiting to read the final version. Thanks.

Marjorie Brody is an award-winning author and Pushcart Prize Nominee. Her short stories appear in literary magazines and the Short Story America Anthology, Vols. I, II and III. Her debut psychological suspense novel, TWISTED, was awarded an Honorable Mention at the 2013 Great Midwest Book Festival and won the Texas Association of Authors 2014 Best Young Adult Fiction Book Award. TWISTED is available in digital and print at or invites you to visit her at