In 2015 I want to…

In 2015, I Want To…
By Laura Bradford

By the time I’m next here, we’ll be into the middle of January (wow) and the whole “new year” concept will be getting a bit stale. So let’s chat about that now, shall we?

For the last few years, my friend (fellow Stiletto Gang member, Lynn Cahoon) and I have been exchanging yearly professional goals. In those goals we talk about projects we want to start/finish, conferences we want to attend, the financial aspect we think/want to reach, etc. The following year, we have an accountability phone call where we go through those goals–point by point–and see how we did.

To say I’ve come to really enjoy this goal session each year would be a bit of an understatement. I guess, in many ways, it’s like a giant to-do list (which I adore)…with an accompanying phone call (with my buddy, no less) to talk about all those fun little checkmarks that have ended up in the “done” column by the end of the year.

Some years, I’ve come really close to checking everything off (remember, there are a lot of “want-to-do” items on there). Some years, a particular item just didn’t even come close to happening. But this year? Every item is getting a big check next to it!

That’s right, I accomplished every one of the goals I set for myself, although one of the things got subbed out by something equally wonderful yet totally unseen when I first wrote my goals at this time last year.

Now, my mind is in the early stages of planning my 2015–what I want/need to do, where I want/need to go, etc. Knowing I hit everything this year is giving me a little bit of a daring streak, although whether that will remain when it comes time to actually write them and file them with Lynn remains to be seen.

So tell me, do you write professional goals each year? Do you share them with anyone?


3 replies
  1. Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith
    Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith says:

    Being old, I don't set long term goals, I do list what I want to accomplish each day-some things carry over to the next day. I do write down on my calendar things I want to do a certain month. What your are doing sounds like a great idea!

  2. Lynn Cahoon
    Lynn Cahoon says:

    Hi Laura!! I think the magic in our process is our commitment to weekly goals to reach those annual ones. I do a monthly goal sheet to remind me of what goals I'm stretching for.

    Now, not all of mine are going to be checked off this year, but I'm okay with that. I've had a fabulous 2014.

    Need to get ready for our phone chat.

  3. Laura Bradford
    Laura Bradford says:

    Thanks, Marilyn! It certainly seems to work for us.

    Lynn, I'm going to do a little report this time on those things that really gave me a nice shove this year. Looking forward to our call sometime between now and the 31st.

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