Entries by Lois Winston

Trolls: Character vs. Caricature When Writing Suspects and Antagonists in Mysteries

What do trolls have to do with writing suspects and antagonists in mysteries? Trolls?   Trolls: Nasty creatures who live under bridges. Trolls: Nasty people who bully others on social media. Trolls: Weird looking collectibles from the 1960s (now the stars of animated movies.) Trolls: Kristoff’s fun-loving adoptive family in Frozen Trolls: Amazing works of art […]

What’s on Your Nightstand?

By Lois Winston I’m an extremely eclectic reader. There are a few genres I don’t read because they turn me off. My apologies to the vampire and werewolf fans out there, but I just don’t get the allure of falling for someone who wants to drain me of my blood or sup on my entire […]

Killing It at Killer Nashville

By Lois Winston Most writers are introverts. We spend much of our days alone with only our laptops or computers (or paper and pen for those who are still old-school) and rarely step foot into the real world. We’d rather spend our time in the world of our imagination with the characters we’ve created. However, […]

With a Little Help from my Friends

By Lois Winston As authors, we spend much of our days in our writer caves. Sometimes, we rarely leave the house for days as we peck away at the keyboard, increasing our word count. Living life in a vacuum is hard, though. Sometimes we need to bounce ideas off someone, and let’s face it, kids […]

The Times They Are a’Changing

By Lois Winston I don’t like change. I much prefer the security and comfort of habit. I’m not the kind of person who climbs a mountain just because it’s there. I need a reason to step out of my comfort zone, lace up my hiking boots, and ascend into the unknown. When I’m confronted with […]

Lucky Number Thirteen?

By Lois Winston Triskaidekaphobia is defined as the fear or avoidance of the number thirteen. There are some people so paranoid about the number that they won’t live on the thirteenth floor of a building. Many hotels completely skip the thirteenth floor, going from the twelfth to the fourteenth because people will often refuse to […]

In Praise of Critique Partners

The other day, I had reached a point in my current manuscript, the 13th book in my Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery Series, that had me stymied. I was more than two-thirds toward writing “The End.” I knew that I was at the point where I needed to return to one of the red herring threads […]

The Whack-a-Mole Method of Writing

By Lois Winston Every author has her own process. What works for one of us doesn’t work for all of us. Some authors are diehard plotters who create extensive outlines before ever committing that first sentence to paper (or in most cases, to keyboard.) Some are known as “pantsers,” authors who write by the seat […]