New Year, New Reads: Setting Your 2025 Reading Goals

January is a time of fresh starts, renewed motivation, and setting intentions for the year ahead. If you’re like me, reading is a core part of your life, and what better way to kick off 2025 than by setting some inspiring reading goals? Whether you’re a voracious reader or someone looking to rediscover the joy of books, here are some ideas for New Year reading resolutions to help you make 2025 your most bookish year yet!


1. Read Outside Your Comfort Zone
We all have our favorite genres (hello, cozy mysteries!), but sometimes it’s fun to branch out. Consider adding a thriller, a historical novel, or a non-fiction book to your reading list this year. You might discover a new favorite!

2. Set a Number Goal
Want to read more books this year? Setting a specific number can help you stay on track. Whether it’s 12 books (one per month) or 50 books, make it a goal that excites and motivates you. Don’t worry if life gets busy—any progress is a win!

3. Support Indie Authors and Bookstores
Independent authors and local bookstores need love, and supporting them can add meaningful books to your shelf. Make it a resolution to read at least a few books by indie authors or buy from your favorite neighborhood bookstore.

4. Create a Reading Ritual
Turn reading into a self-care practice by setting a regular time to read. Maybe it’s 20 minutes before bed, a Sunday morning with coffee, or during your lunch break. Consistent reading time helps you unwind and ensures you’re always making progress on your TBR pile.

5. Start a Reading Journal
Track your thoughts, favorite quotes, and reviews in a reading journal. Not only does this make reading more intentional, but it’s also a great way to reflect on everything you’ve enjoyed throughout the year.

6. Join (or Start) a Book Club
Reading can be even more enjoyable when you share it with others. Join an online or local book club to discover new books and engage in lively discussions. Can’t find one that matches your interests? Start your own!

Bonus Tip: Don’t Forget to Read for Fun
Goals are great, but remember that reading should always be a joy, not a chore. Don’t feel pressured to hit a number or complete a list if it’s not serving you. If you’re loving a book, savor it. If you’re not, it’s okay to set it aside. The best resolution is to keep the joy of reading alive all year long.

What are your reading goals for 2025? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!

Happy New Year, and happy reading!


Debra Sennefeder is the author of the Food Blogger Mystery series and the Resale Boutique Mystery series. She lives and writes in Connecticut. When she’s not writing, she enjoys baking, exercising and taking long walks with her Shih-Tzu, Connie. You can keep in touch with Debra through her website, on Facebook and Instagram.

4 replies
  1. Donnell Ann Bell
    Donnell Ann Bell says:

    Thank you, Debra. I look forward to bedtime so I can read. I’ll add one more to your list. If you can, do beta reads for fellow authors. You learn as much as you give back.

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