What My Mother’s Day Will Be Like

What My Mother’s
Day Will Be Like by Debra H. Goldstein

With Mother’s Day
only a few days away, I started thinking about what the day will be like for
Usually, there are
flowers and cards from my husband and from two children and one grandchild. All
four children will send cards; the grandchildren are hit and miss in that
department. The four children will probably go in on a gift together, unless, for some reason, the
girls are mad at the boys and they decide to each send something from their
respective families (in the past the tizzy occurred the year after the boys
forgot to pay up or when one, who was responsible for ordering the gift, left it until
last minute and instead simply sent a Venmo message with money from all….not the
emotional gift the girls envisioned).
In the past,
there were telephone or facetime calls from each of the grandchildren with
cameo appearances by their parents. This year, that might be replaced with a
zoom meeting with all the families represented. That’s how we’ve been
celebrating birthdays, Passover, and just getting together for the past month.
All will warm my
heart, but they will be lacking one thing. My mother. Before I was a mother or
a grandmother, I was a daughter. My mother taught me how to be a mother and a grandmother
by example. She was loving, kind, wickedly funny, and somewhat opinionated, but
she doted on her children and grandchildren. Her greatest joy was the time she
spent with us. She’s been gone a little more than five years, but I still want
to pick up the telephone can call her when something good happens or when I
need a bit of cheering up. I miss having her as a sounding board. Most of all,
I miss the joy of her sharing in the life cycle events of our family.
So, this Mother’s
Day, I will joyfully celebrate with my children and grandchildren, but a part
of my heart will be missing my mother.

6 replies
  1. Pam Hopkins
    Pam Hopkins says:

    I can relate . . . my mom has been gone for 24 years and I still miss her terribly.

  2. Paula Gail Benson
    Paula Gail Benson says:

    I also can relate. When we are fortunate enough to have a wonderful mother-daughter relationship, it is something we never forget. How lovely that you have extended your mother’s great influence to two more generations.

    • Debra H. Goldstein
      Debra H. Goldstein says:

      I know, from what you have said, that your mother and you were extremely close. I've seen you take what I think she imparted to you and share it with other people. And yes, you're right….I'm so glad the generations in our family are sharing the love and respect for the generations before.

    • Debra H. Goldstein
      Debra H. Goldstein says:

      Unknown, thank you… for reading the blog and leaving your message..I much appreciate that my love for my mother touched you, too.

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