Ice, Snow, and Being Part of a Caring Community (Part II) by Debra H. Goldstein

In my last blog, I wrote about the caring community created by the twenty-five of us stranded at the YWCA. What could have been a horrible experience became a warm and wonderful time as we all helped each other make it through our unexpected stay.  As I struggle to find my voice and place as an author, I have found that writers also create caring communities.

Whether offering manuscript advice, methods of researching and expressing ideas, or simply how to find one’s way around at a conference, I have observed best-selling authors and peons joining together as a community.  Those who are successful give shout-outs and support to those climbing the ladder – and make sure the platform is wide enough for all to share.

For example, at Malice Domestic 2013, I had the privilege of riding an elevator with Carolyn Hart. I’m a pretty confident person, but as the elevator went up, I stumbled over my words telling “Ms. Hart” how much I enjoyed her books. During the conference, where she was honored with the Amelia Award, she told the audience how her writing career failed take off immediately. In fact, her first few books either were not published or didn’t sell well, but she kept writing. When she became an overnight success, it had been a long night. 

Our paths crossed a number of times during the conference and at the Sisters in Crime breakfast. Ironically, we were in the elevator together again leaving the conference. This time, I congratulated “Carolyn” on her award and we actually laughed about spending the conference in the elevator.

Thinking back on the difference in my behavior during our elevator rides, I realize that the change in my attitude came from being impressed with her writing abilities and with her persistence and willingness to help other writers. Even during the hour interview tied to her award at Malice, she took the time to give a newer writer, Terry Shames, a shout-out. It takes a big person to share one’s limelight with others. Carolyn’s work ethic and her generosity during that conference demonstrated how a little bit of caring behavior enhances the community of writers.

Because of Carolyn Hart’s shout-out, I made it a point to read Terry Shame’s book, A Killing at Cotton Hill.  I loved it.  I’m looking forward to reading her new book, The Last Death of Jack Harbin.

My personal writing journey also reflects an ever-expanding community of generous writers.  2012 IPPY award winning Maze in Blue, a murder mystery set on the University of Michigan’s campus in the 1970’s originally was published and now will be reissued by Harlequin Worldwide Mysteries as a May 2014 book of the month because other writers opened or suggested doors to go through.  Similarly, Who Dat? Dat the Indian Chief! which appears in the new short story anthology, Mardi Gras Murder, would never have been written nor submitted if another writer hadn’t generously posted the open call for submissions on two listserves.

I am thankful for the community of writers who care enough to help me.  Have you been given or extended a helping hand along the way?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Debra H. Goldstein’s debut novel, Maze in Blue, received a 2012 IPPY Award.
She writes fiction and non-fiction pieces.  Who Dat? Dat the Indian Chief! was included in the Mardi Gras Murder short story anthology in February 2014.  A Political Cornucopia was featured in the November 2013 Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.  An upcoming issue of Mysterical-E will include her short story The Rabbi’s Wife Stayed Home.

My Gonna-Be-A-Special Day

My Gonna-Be-A-Special Day
By, Laura Bradford

It’s been a little crazy in my world the past month or so, as I worked to finish the tenth book in my Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries. But I’ve finally done it. Phew!

What’s most exciting for me at this moment, though, is the fact that I finished it before the third book in my Amish Mysteries–SHUNNED AND DANGEROUS–launches on Tuesday (March 4th).

For whatever reason, it always seems as if I’m launching a book while finishing up another, which, translated, means I never get to truly enjoy the “launch.” It’s not that launch day is some super fancy day with parties to mark the occasion, but it’s still special in its own way. Or, should be, anyway.

So much of a writer’s life is spent isolated. We sit at a computer for hours and days on end, writing. Sure, our characters keep us company, but it’s still just us…and a screen.

The release of a book, however, is different. It’s that moment when our readers get to read what we spent so long writing. Some, of course, love it, plowing through the words we took months to write in mere hours. Their enjoyment makes us feel good. And then, of course, there are the folks who aren’t so crazy about it, and like to let others know how they feel. But to each his own, right?

All too often over the past few years, I’ve barely been able to pick my head up to do more than register the facts folks are reading. If someone took the time to email me and let me know their thoughts, than I knew. But if not, well, I’d launched books before so no big deal…

Uh, no.

It is a big deal…

For me.

Next week, I’m shaking things up a little bit. I’m actually setting aside Tuesday to relax and enjoy SHUNNED AND DANGEROUS‘s big day. I may go to lunch…I may bet some frozen yogurt…I may bake something yummy in celebration. And I will most definitely drive to the bookstore and see for myself that SHUNNED AND DANGEROUS is on the shelf.

What do you do to mark a self-milestone?


It’s Alllllivvvvvve!!

by Bethany Maines

It’s here! It’s here!  Tales From the City of Destiny is
finally available for purchase! 
After what seems like months of writing, proofing, and review it
actually exists as a really, real book. Does this feeling ever get old?  I don’t think so. Last year, this
project was just an idea, barely an idea even, and here it is as a physical
object that anyone can hold.

As a graphic designer I marvel at
this phenomenon every time something I’ve dreamed up comes off the press. From
invitations to signs everything looks slightly different in real life than when
I began the creation process. Some things look better, some things are disappointing and some
things are neither bad or good ­– just different. And while every single time
it’s still cool that something I dreamed up is now a real physical object, the
dissonance between idea and reality no longer surprises me.
Except when it comes to my
books.  Somehow the process of
turning a word document that barely contains my invisible friends into an
actual book is… amazing. And I hope all of you will purchase your own copy and
enjoy reading about my invisible friends as much as I have enjoyed writing
about them.

Bethany Maines is the author of
the Carrie Mae Mystery series and 
Tales from the City of Destiny. You can also view the Carrie Mae youtube
video or catch up with her on 
Twitter and

A smorgasbord of replies

It’s that time of month again when I have no idea what to write or talk about. Instead, I posted a status on my Facebook page seeking help for topic ideas and what you see below is a smorgasbord of replies.

First Mystery
The first mystery book I read was Encyclopedia Brown and I read every book in the series. Believe it or not, I’ve never read an Agatha Christie book. I did read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I enjoyed the television show as well. Reading mysteries is like solving a puzzle and you know how you smile and jump for joy when you place the last piece of puzzle, that’s the joy I have when I figured out the mystery and watch how it all came about.

Why I do what I do?
It all started with my emails to author saying I love their book; thanks for writing it and when’s the next one coming out. The more I read and enjoyed the books, the more these emails went out. One day I read the same book twice and that’s when I decided to write my thoughts and put it online for my enjoyment and as a journal of the books I read. My musing was not a “review” site then, nor is it now. It’s just a short (okay, sometimes it’s longer than I intended) paragraph on what I thought of the book. I also keep a database of ALL the books I read as not all books are mused. In the beginning I gave ratings, but someone commented that my rating wasn’t worthy of what I gave it. Hello…it’s my thoughts and not everyone is going to like a book the same way I do, so I stopped rating books on my blog. Word of mouth is a powerful promotional tool and I wanted to share the books that I read with my friends and this was the perfect way to do it.

How did I get a monthly post on the Cozy Chicks?
After reading several of my book musings, I was invited to do a monthly post highlighting the Berkley and other publisher’s books that I’ve read. I had some reservation because I knew that I could not write a “proper, standardized” review, but that was not a concern to them, so after some thoughts, I accepted the role and I do enjoy it because I get to bring books to readers who might not have seen the books listed elsewhere. My first Dru’s Cozy Report was on August 15, 2010 and featured “Death in Show” by Judi McCoy, “Maid of Murder” by Amanda Flower and “Death by Diamonds” by Annette Blair.

How did I come up my monthly feature “A Day In The Life?”
I would post a musing 3-4 times a week on my blog and I recall that I had a vacation planned which I took and while away, there was nothing new on my blog. I’ve learned that if you don’t have fresh content on a daily basis, you can lose readers and since my blog was still in its infancy, I had to come up with something to keep readers interested and coming back and that is when I came up with my feature. I always wanted to know what a protagonist’s day was like and just that snippet gives you some insight into the character and the book. I’m having so much fun reading all that the characters have to say and I hope my readers are too. This is another way of introducing characters and their book that otherwise they might not have known about since there are 1,000+ books published a day in the U.S. and U.K. combined. My first featured post was by Nora McFarland on August 8, 2011.

Several years ago, we went to a chocolate and wine tasting event and it was fun, but the lady who was leading it had me laughing as she kept says cacao and only 70% chocolate will do. I am not a fan of dark chocolate; I prefer milk chocolates. One of my favorite candy bars are Kit Kat, Snickers, and Hershey kisses. It’s no wonder my preferred hot beverage is hot chocolate.

Fangirl moment
One of the best fangirl moments was at my first Malice when I was invited to dinner with the Cozy Chicks and other cozy authors. Talk about going to heaven, I was in my glory or as I often said “I was in my element.”

When was the last time you sought help to jump start a conversation, blog or your work in progress?

Check out dru’s book musing here or on Facebook.

Out With the Old, In With the New

NOT my junk corner

We have had a problem for years with our internet provider,
who shall hereafter be referred to as @#$$% Ma Bell. Their charges have
skyrocketed while the speed of their DSL connection and dependability has
plummeted. And almost every bad storm we have, winter or summer, we lose
connectivity to the internet. Finally, Google Fiber made Kansas City one of its
rollout cities, and for almost two years, I’ve been waiting for Google Fiber to
make it to my “fiberhood” so I can say a less than cordial good-bye to @#$$% Ma
Two weeks ago, the Google Fiber crews finished connecting to
my house—what a racket of drilling into my foot-thick brick exterior walls!—and
made an appointment with me to come inside and do the interior part of the
installation. That appointment was for yesterday.
As it approached, we realized that the point where they
would bring in the cable lay in what’s turned into our junk corner of the
family room. That means decluttering and moving things and cleaning, oh my! (I
find those things much scarier than lions, tigers, or bears.) We found things
we didn’t even know we owned hidden under the don’t-have-a-place-for-it-right-now-so-I’ll-just-set-it
here-temporarily mound. (Please tell me that at least some of you have one of
those!) Like a never-used, decades-old cassette tape player. Not much use
anymore, unfortunately. And no one’s admitting to placing that machine there
Furniture must be moved out of the way to create room for
them to work back in the corner by the electrical outlet, which means moving
other furniture out of the way to make room for that furniture and moving other
things—like my spinning wheel—out of the way to make room for the second batch
of displaced furniture. It’s kind of like falling dominoes with bookcases,
tables, and spinning wheels—and lots of stray books, boxes from my son’s Iowa
home, and of course, forgotten tape players.
As I write this, we’re about to head into the final battle
with the junk corner in anticipation of the advent of Google Fiber in the
afternoon, so as you read this, I should not only have reliable, low-cost internet
but a newly clean and organized junk corner. A win-win for everyone, yes?
Now, confess. Do any of you have a junk corner hiding in the
depths of your home? How do we let this happen?

LATE ADDENDUM: As the very nice Google Fiber guys were about to finish the installation, a power transformer across the street exploded with a huge bang and blue-sparked light in zig-zag waves like in a comic book or graphic novel. The whole neighborhood lost power for many hours just as it was starting to snow. So my husband, son, and I trekked to a local coffee shop for warm shelter (I’m still recovering from pneumonia, and I can’t do cold.) When it closed, we drove out to a suburban 24-hour restaurant with central heating until my answering machine clicked in and told us they’d finally fixed the neighborhood power. As you read this, I will still not have Google Fiber. They can’t return until Saturday. But it’s almost here.

COMMENTS (I still can’t comment so I’ll have to edit to respond–isn’t that crazy?)

Pam Hopkins, don’t you think it’s a human trait to put things down somewhere “just for now” and then forget about them as we get busy?

Mary, I had an overfull bookcase break and topple in my office/fiberart studio last year. What a mess! I’d send you the tape player, but I’ve already freecycled it. I am so looking forward to being able to call AT&T to say, “It’s over.” Cancelling landline, too, and going completely cell, which I never thought I’d do, but they’ve driven me to it.

Ritter, thank you for all of this information about Ooma. I’d never heard about this before. It’s definitely something I will be checking out. I really appreciate it!

Ah, Faith, I’m not talking about the garage that’s too full of stuff for a car. Some things are just too shameful. *sigh* I didn’t mention that every spare space in our house is crammed with boxes, bins, and eztra furniture recently moved from out son’s home in Iowa. Unlike the junk corner, that’s not a normal aspect of my house. (He’s found a job in the area and will be getting his own place once he digs out of the debt in which months of job-hunting left him.)

The CIA…and Gloria Steinem

By Kay Kendall

Gloria Steinem said it best: “Writing is the only thing I do
that I don’t feel like I should be doing something else.”
I began writing fiction fifteen years ago. My first
manuscript was a literary novel that I worked on forever and put aside when I
failed to get an agent. That was important eight years ago, much less so now
under different publishing conditions. But I found I still was compelled to
write so I immersed myself in crime fiction, let the patterns of the genre seep
into my head, and then began to write my mystery.
Within the mystery genre, historical fiction is what I like
to read best. Many authors locate their sleuths and their spymasters during the
great wars of the twentieth century. The two world wars and Cold War are amply
represented in mysteries and spy fiction. The Vietnam War is comparatively not
“taken.” Besides it is the era I grew up in. I decided it was an historic niche
that needed filling and that I was the one to do the filling.
I wanted to show what life was like for young women of that
era, the late sixties—not the type who made headlines, the Angela Davises and
Hanoi Janes, but the moderates who nonetheless got swept along by the tides of
history during that turbulent time. All that turmoil lends itself to drama,
intrigue…and murder.
I don’t consider myself a daring or courageous person. My
heroine Austin Starr feels fear, is often anxious but keeps on pushing
regardless. I picture her as myself with more moxie.
Recently I gave a book reading and said that to my audience.
Imagine how startled I was therefore, when a long-time family friend said,
“That’s nonsense, Kay. You are so adventuresome. You went to the Soviet Union
for a summer when you were only twenty to study, you moved to a different
country (Canada), and you’re always trying new things.”
I must confess that opinion made me feel good, although I
still regard it as unfounded.
Still, I will tell you a secret.
Imagine how surprised that old friend would be if she
knew that the CIA training of Austin Starr was based on my own
flirtation with that spy agency. I really did interview with the CIA. When
offered a position, instead I chose to attend grad school and continue
studying Russian history…. Just as my protagonist Austin Starr does. 
Maybe I have more moxie than I give myself credit for after
All that said, it’s no surprise that I’m excited for the
second season of the TV spy thriller The Americans to start up in a few days on
the FX Network.  Any movie or TV show,
put spies in it and some derring-do, and I will be there, front and center, for
the vicarious adventure.

Kay & house bunny Dusty

Kay Kendall is an international award-winning public relations executive who lives in Texas with her husband, five house rabbits, and spaniel Wills. A fan of historical mysteries, she wants to do for the 1960s what novelist Alan Furst does for Europe in the 1930s during Hitler’s rise to power–write atmospheric mysteries that capture the spirit of the age.

Discover more about  DESOLATION ROW, here at

Okay, Here’s What’s Happening

As usual, I’ve been busy.

My latest Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery, Murder in the Worst Degree, is due out in March. I’ve been busy planning the promotion for it. I’m doing another blog tour in April and had fun writing all the different posts–though it was a lot of work and took a long time.

Also in April I’ll have the official launch at our local Art Gallery, and I’m scheduled to speak at the library during National Library Week.

During the week this post appears, I’ll actually be in Temecula visiting my daughter, two of my grandkids and a slew of great-grands. In face, I’ll be visiting one of the greats third grade class to talk about being a writer and how to write a story. (Love talking to kids about writing.)

The photo is some of the kids I’ll see-but missing the boy whose class I’m going to visit.

March is Left Coast Crime and it’s in Monterey this year–and yes, I’m going. Can’t pass up one that is so close. Years ago the first LCC I attended was in Monterey and it was wonderful. The same folks are organizing it again so I’m sure it’ll be great. Though LCC is big, it isn’t as big as Bouchercon. Most of all, I’m looking forward to seeing old friends.

(And yes, we did get more rain and snow in the mountains. Everyone says it’s not enough yet, but the rainy season isn’t over.)

Marilyn who writes the Rocky Bluff P.D. series as F. M. Meredith

Finding the Reality in Reality Shows

I love competition shows. Top Chef, Project Runway, Biggest
Loser, and all the many offshoots. I even watched a season of Big Brother. Now
that’s time I’ll never get back. 
But the others are shows that tend to show me the value in
determination, talent, and, even, self-confidence. The contestants who do the
best are those who know their own story. They know their style and are able to
use the challenges as boundaries within which they present themselves through
their product.
I’m watching a marathon of this season’s Top Chef right now
and am drawn to the chef who knows she’s good, but doesn’t trust her knowledge.
She’s won a challenge and yet, she’s still her worse critic. Last year she
competed to get on the show, but failed. She fought back and earned a spot in
this year’s cast. Now, she doesn’t believe in her talent.
I see myself through her eyes. Determined, accomplished, but
still uncertain at times.

My version of a Quick Fire Challenge – Lynn’s Potato Pie
I believe writing, and life even, is like that. The universe
gives me boundaries and within those, I am able to play and create my own
world. My own stories.
All I have to do is get out of my own way.
Last week my son sent me an old Monty Python recording of a
news report following a writer starting a new story. Every word was analyzed by
the announcers, even the one’s crossed out. Sometimes my internal editor is
like that news reporter. Looking for the amazing when really, a story should be
written in private, then edited in public. Writers need to give themselves permission to
write crap. Then edit pearls.

Me getting my ticket into the Michael Hauge workshop.
Failure isn’t the end. Its one step in success. Maybe more.

Do you watch reality TV?
Lynn – who really doesn’t need another fix to her habit.

Ice, Snow and Being Part of a Caring Community (Part I)

Today is Valentine’s Day.  A day of love and caring.  Although I could write about romance, hearts, and Valentines, the unexpected snow/ice storm in Alabama and Georgia taught me a lot about reaching outside of one’s heart.  This week, I share the Valentine I received during the storm.  This is the first of a two-part blog about creating caring communities.  Check back on Friday, February 28, for my observations about the gifts given by the writing community.  I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.  As I celebrate today, I will still be thinking of the love and caring I received during the winter storm.  This is my tale retold with gratitude:

Ice, Snow and a Caring Community
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YWCA Central Alabama

Ice, Snow and a Caring Community

January 30, 2014

Judge Debra H. Goldstein is a retired U.S. Administrative Law Judge and accomplished author.  She has been an active community volunteer in Birmingham for over 20 years and currently serves on the YWCA Board of Directors.

Creating a more caring community is the cornerstone of the YWCA Central Alabama’s vision statement. During this week’s unpredicted snow and ice storm, the YWCA has lived up to its vision.  I know, because I was one of many embraced into the YWCA’s caring community.

For me, a Yankee used to driving on snow, I didn’t think much of the flakes falling as I left a downtown meeting. Two hours later, when my efforts to reach the highway failed because of accidents, clogged roads and an inability to sustain enough traction to get up hills without fishtailing, I decided I needed an alternative plan. I thought about working my way over to a hospital, because it would have power and food, but then I thought about the YWCA. Having been a volunteer and Board member for more than twenty years, I knew I could count on the YW for a warm place to sit with a cup of coffee while I waited for the traffic congestion to ease.

Hours passed and the roads became impassable. I was stuck for the night at the YW, but I wasn’t alone. Executive Senior Staff, child care workers and volunteers sacrificed the window of time they could have gone home to make sure every child in child care was safely picked up and that the heat and other amenities needed by the building’s full-time residents were maintained.  Then there were the extras – displaced downtown Board members, volunteers knowledgeable about the YW and some who saw its lettered sign, like a teacher from Carver High, who came in desperate for shelter from the storm.

In the end, twenty-five of us sat down for a family style spaghetti dinner that we all agreed tasted better than any Italian dinner we ever had eaten. Dinner was followed by laughter, conversation, a movie, and the assignment of beds, couches, sleeping bags, and palettes on pillows. Clean t-shirts, toothpaste and toothbrushes made all of us presentable for breakfast and the beginning of another day of watching the television to know if we could safely leave. Most of us couldn’t, but it didn’t matter. We were part of a caring community.


The views expressed in this blog are the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the YWCA Central Alabama. The intention of this blog is to provide information and perspectives on social justice issues; however, the YWCA makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The YWCA will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this information or for any losses, injuries or damages incurred from the display or use of this information. This policy is subject to change at any time.