Virtual friends

Welcome to the new age….

Did you have a pen pal as a teenager? Someone you wrote long, emotion filled letters about your life, your hopes, your dreams that lived far enough away to keep your secrets?

I loved getting and sending my letters. Until real life stepped in and we lost touch.

Now, I have virtual friends. People who live across the world that I keep in touch with, hope for, dream with.  Some I’ve met, some I might never meet in person.

But whenever we do, it’s like old friend reunion time.

Like last month when I got to meet our Stiletto Gang member, Dru Ann Love.  She’s as charming and bubbly as her Facebook posts show her to be.

I’m also friends with fellow Stiletto Gang member – Laura Bradford.

I’ve met a lot of my friends on line and now, in person. I love having that feeling of meeting old friends even though we may have only met once in person.  Now that I’m starting to attend more mystery conferences, I may be running into you soon. 🙂

Tell me about your virtual friendships? Are they as good or better than old fashion pen pals?


FYI – to (celebrate my birthday month) prepare for the release of IF THE SHOE KILLS November 10th, Kensington has put the digital version of MISSION TO MURDER on sale for #99cents all of October. Don’t miss the second book in the Tourist Trap Mysteries.

Buy at Amazon/Nook