December 24, 2018

Can you believe the year is almost coming to an end. Where did 2018 go?

For an introvert and someone with slight mobility issues, I’ve done a lot of traveling this year. I’ve been to Virginia, Maryland, Denver, South Carolina, Bahamas, Florida, Boston, and North Carolina. Looking forward to more adventures next year. It was my first time to visit Denver and Charleston.

My blog is coming along nicely. I love introducing readers of my blog to authors who they may have not known via various other sources. The notes I receive from both authors and readers lets me know that I’m doing the right thing . . . making that reader-author connection.

Other than that, I look forward to what 2019 has to bring. I’m going to these new locations I’ve never been before: Vancouver and Savannah.

What are you looking forward to in 2019?

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
