Abridging Freedom of Speech

I would like to offer up an amendment to the constitution of the United States. It would tweak the 1st Amendment to abridge the freedom of speech in the following ways and circumstances:

1. No individual or group, especially those claiming to have God on their side, are allowed to protest, disrupt, or interfere with a funeral. Don’t believe it’s happening? Click here.

2. No senator or representative is allowed to heckle the President of the United States during a State of the Union address.

3. Politicians, entertainers, sports figures, religious leaders, and other public figures are barred from making any public reference to any type of “rehab.”

4. No mistress can insist on a public apology from her paramour because he lied to her. Lying is the very foundation of an affair. Corollary: No mistress can hire Gloria Allred to represent her interests in a public discussion of said affair.

5. The word “Maverick” and any form of that word is banned from any usage that doesn’t directly involve livestock or James Garner.

6. The phrase, “Yes, we can” should be immediately retired from political statements and speeches. Just because we “can” doesn’t mean we should or will.

7. [You fill in the blank. What words would you like to hear less of?]

aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David

8 replies
  1. Laura DiSilverio
    Laura DiSilverio says:

    I think we have to allow the use of "Maverick" when referencing Tom Cruise and TOP GUN.

  2. Unknown
    Unknown says:

    I shouted in anger over the first one and it wasn't the first time I had heard about this appalling attitude of soldiers being punished….
    And I laughed loud and long over the Maverick comment. Yes indeed. Using Maverick in the context of the recent presidential election was just plain wrong. James Garner is Maverick and is the legend of the west.
    Thanks for an entertaining and wise post.

  3. Susan McBride
    Susan McBride says:

    Okay, my pet peeve these days is the overuse of "literally" and "actually." Oh, oh, and I've heard several people on TV say "functionable"–so, what, functional isn't good enough? Fun post, Marilyn! 🙂

  4. The Stiletto Gang
    The Stiletto Gang says:

    Thanks to all for stopping by! Was thinking this afternoon that I have a few more phrases I'd like to see the back of – "to be honest" and "opportunistic." I hear the first from the people I work with – always makes me wonder what they are saying other times. And the second, I heard way too many times from the commentators during the NCAA women's basketball games. Is it even really a word?


  5. Vicky Polito
    Vicky Polito says:

    Oh, and I hate when people say "I COULD care less" vs. the correct "I COULDN'T care less"! Good grief, think it through, people.

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