Skin Cancer Awareness

Hi, friends: I went the entire month of May–Skin Cancer Awareness month–without reminding all of you to bust out the UV protectant clothing and sunscreen. It’s not too late, though! We just had a weekend here in NY that was close to 90 degrees every day and very sunny, so I expect that we’ll just bypass spring and head straight to summer. Please, please, please remember to wear a hat, sunglasses, and slather yourself with sunscreen. If you don’t like sunscreen, buy yourself a lightweight UV protectant jacket (I got a nifty one at Coolibar). And if you need more of a reminder, please watch the amazing video below which includes my peeps–melanoma survivors–who tell their 16-year-old selves what to do. Happy viewing.


6 replies
  1. Susan McBride
    Susan McBride says:

    Well, you know I'm aware, since I discovered two little pink spots on my chest that turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma in situ (meaning, caught in a very early stage). As I read this, I'm still sitting here with my incisions covered in Steri-Strips, eagerly awaiting the removal of my stitches on Monday! I wish I could take back all my years in the sun from birth through college (when I finally wised up). Hope others will heed your sun screen message. (And now, Ms. Mags, schedule a mammogram for me sometime before year's end, please! ;->)


  2. The Stiletto Gang
    The Stiletto Gang says:

    Thanks, Vicky. Yes, please let people know how they can stay safe during the warmer months.

    Susan, I hope you're feeling better! I'm proud of you for staying on top of your health like you do. And yes, I'll make my mammo appt! Maggie

  3. Susan McBride
    Susan McBride says:

    Maggie, I forgot to tell you they had Coolibar catalogues in the private waiting room at my derm surgeon's office. They have some great stuff! I think I must order! (And, yay, for scheduling a mammogram–I'm scheduled for September. So if you set yours up for then, we can be the Smoosh Twins that month.)


  4. Dea
    Dea says:

    I yelled at the ladies in the office at school about wearing sunscreen – only the principal agreed to…..sheesh ladies!!!

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