How to handle life (and what to avoid in the school cafeteria) as told by a 9-year-old
by Rachel Brady
It happens to every blogger at some point: Idea Freeze.
Fortunately, I have kids. So when I get blocked, I ask them stuff. This time, I had a conversation with my middle daughter.
RB: Thanks for sitting down with me to help me organize some thoughts. Do you ever suffer from unorganized thoughts?
LB: Sometimes. Mostly while I’m being distracted when I’m trying to work, like when funny things happen or a smoke alarm goes off.
RB: What things do you think grown-ups should do more often to clear their minds?
LB: Take a second to relax. Breathe very slowly.
RB: Do you know what a comfort food is?
LB: No.
RB: It’s a favorite food some people eat when they’re freaking out. Do you have a comfort food?
LB: No.
RB: What are your thoughts on sleeping in?
LB: I like to!
RB: Let’s hear about the three situations that aggravate you the most and the ways that you handle them.
LB: One. When (my sister) is mean to me. I tell her to stop. Two. When I get hurt. I try to relax and heal it for a while. Three. When I got stung by the bee, I really wanted to smoosh it, but since it was already dead I just tried to relax and handle things normally.
RB: How do you feel about pets and about how animals make humans feel better?
LB: When I’m feeling bad and I pet them, they’re so soft. I get all caught up in my pets and how cute and soft they are. They help me get through it.
RB: What would you most like to get out of fourth grade?
LB: To try to get smarter and have more knowledge about all the subjects. To learn more things that are new to me.
RB: What advice would you give to your grown-up self if you could meet her in the future?
LB: Um, I don’t really understand this question?
RB: Let’s try it a different way. What advice would you give to your kindergarten self if you could go back in time?
LB: I would tell her things I already know so maybe she’d learn even more in older grades.
RB: What three pieces of advice would you give to other parents like me who want to do the very best job they can for their kiddos?
LB: One. Stay in work so we can have money and survive. Two. Try to be your normal self because I like you. Three. It’s really fun being a parent. I know that from you. Is it fun because you get to boss people around?
RB: That is one of the perks. What’s your favorite food in the school cafeteria?
LB: Pancakes. And nachos.
RB: At the same time?
LB: No, on different days.
RB: What’s the worst food?
LB: Um, are you showing this to my school?
RB: No.
LB: Then it’s the steak fingers. They have a terrible aftertaste.
RB: What else should I ask you?
LB: I could ask you some!
RB: Okay, you’re allowed three. Go.
LB: What is one of your favorite places?
RB: I love to go running on nature trails in the woods. Yours?
LB: At the YMCA playing soccer. Where would you like to be when you’re alone and mad?
RB: Either lying down in my bed relaxing or out for a walk. You?
LB: Probably in my bed like you.
RB: What makes you that mad?
LB: When (my sister) calls me bad words.
RB: Ignore her.
LB: Yep. Do you like to shop?
RB: I hate shopping. I don’t like to spend money! You?
LB: At the Dollar Tree, everything is a dollar. When I was little I got a purple horn there.
RB: How are you feeling about the first day of school tomorrow?
LB: Nervous and excited all at the same time.
RB: You’ll do great. Goodnight, pal. Thanks for answering my questions.
LB: Love you, Mom.
Hope the first day of 4th grade went super! Excellent post and insight into your daughter's worldview.
Just wonderful. Aren't kids great? So fresh and direct. She sounds like a winner.
So cute!!!
Cute, cute!