We’ve talked about this before. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

Let’s agree that the Internet, cell phones, and the social media have changed the world. Looking at the larger picture, these technological advances have literally made possible social and political revolutions. As a writer, I applaud the advances in the digital world that have permanently altered the publishing landscape. To all this I say, Bravo!

But here’s my mini-rant for the day. Like 24/7 cable news, the social media is always looking for the next big, juicy story and unfortunately there are way too many faux celebrities who are more than happy to oblige by providing lurid details of their private lives. Skanks and ho’s abound. There I’ve said it and yes, I’m being judgmental. Enough.

But I grew up in an age where you did not discuss your sex life with anyone except possibly your best friend. Otherwise, what happened in the bedroom (or wherever) stayed there. You didn’t post your sexual escapade, along with Twitpics, before you would have had time to get dressed.

Here’s the incident that prompted this tirade. I don’t know Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, or for that matter Bruce Willis (although I did like the first couple of years of Moonlighting). So it’s safe to say that I shouldn’t know anything about who they do what with. But every time I open to the AOL home page, I am immediately updated on “The Scandal” that has erupted which involves Ashton cheating on Demi, with some skank, and Bruce, as Demi’s ex-husband, feeling obliged to let loose some whoop ass on the man with the roving eye (and other parts apparently).

Okay, as if this were not enough. Sarah Leal, the 22-year old at the center of “The Scandal,” felt obliged to tell US Magazine, that she wouldn’t have slept with Ashton had she known he was still married (he claimed he was separated). Good to know that she has standards. But she then went on to divulge all the pillow talk (which seemed mainly political), and the birth control method used (none). OY!

Look I know that gossip and sex scandals occurred long before Facebook was invented. I also knows that sex sells, and apparently money is often the motivation in these “Let me tell you what really happened that night” stories that I see. Dare I say this? If you sell your story of a sexual escapade, is that all that different than saying you’ll have sex for money? Um, and what is that called?

Bottom Line (and pun is intended): do what you want with whomever you want, assuming everyone is a consenting adult – but do me a favor, please shut up.


Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series
I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries- KindleNookSmashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
Undying Love in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
A Haunting in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Lottawatah Twister – KindleNookSmashwords

Sullivan Investigations Mystery – e-book series
Murder Off the Books KindleNookSmashwords
Riley Come Home (short story)- KindleNookSmashwords

Love Lessons – KindleNookSmashwords

12 replies
  1. Maggie Barbieri
    Maggie Barbieri says:

    Marian, I have a sinking feeling that the "keep it to yourself" ship has sailed. Right before I read this post, I saw a full-length story about this on GMA, which used to be a news program but is now mostly entertainment. 🙁 I agree with you, though. Raising kids during this time is challenging because they don't know what it was like in the "olden days" when some topics were sacred. Maggie

  2. Evelyn David
    Evelyn David says:

    Thanks Resume Services for your kind words.

    Maggie, I am appalled (how's that for an old-fashioned word?) at the current "share all" mentality. When the story first broke about Ashton and his dalliance, it was reported that the young woman had "lawyered up." For what? I assume to handle the deals inevitably coming her way? What a way to make a buck!

    Marian, still fired up!

  3. girlygirlhoosier52
    girlygirlhoosier52 says:

    I think everyone under a 'certain age' is just out there looking for their 15 minutes of fame. If there are any standards in the media about good taste, they have been overwhelmed by fake celebrities [like the Hilton girls, Kardashians to name a few] who just sell themselves to the mass media.. well beyond my ick factor!

  4. Susan McBride
    Susan McBride says:

    I agree with girlygirl. Everyone seems out to get on TV, one way or another. I turned on "Entertainment Tonight" the other evening, and it was focused on Demi and Ashton. They had pics from some sneaky photog who'd followed them camping. They were trying to figure out who everyone was, and the dude co-host of "ET" was even saying things like, "Ashton wears a V-necked fleece shirt and jeans that look unwashed which may suggest Demi isn't doing his laundry anymore. Demi's choice of shapeless sweatshirt may suggest she's not interested in having a romantic relationship with Ashton on this camping trip." I know ET isn't CNN, but even CNN does this kind of thing these days. It's actually hard to find real news because everything's entertainment, whether it's current events or politics. As a J-school student, I sure miss the days when journalists were impartial and just conveyed facts. These days, it's all flash and sensationalism and speculation. Facts seem to have gone bye-bye along with any sense of what's right.

  5. Evelyn David
    Evelyn David says:

    Thanks Girlygirl and Susan. I agree with both of you. My ick factor has been overwhelmed by the media blitz…and I too am disappointed in the media that focuses on this stuff, just feeding the faux-celebrity machine.

  6. CA Verstraete
    CA Verstraete says:

    Yes so agree, who cares? Kardashians who do nothing but flaunt themslves for $, and the rest of them. We don't need to hear all the non-news, all the time, especially recycling the same old thing masquerading as "news." Please!

  7. lil Gluckstern
    lil Gluckstern says:

    Not only is this so called news assaultive, I find its impact to be much more insidious. Youngsters seem to be aspiring to be as attractive and sexual as these so called stars, and unfortunately, ordinary folks don't have the resources nor the entourage to deal with the outcomes-like unwanted pregnancies, and, corny as it sounds, hurt feelings, and "broken hearts." I sound like an old lady, and maybe I am, but we have lost, as a culture, our common sense, and too many of our morals.

  8. Vicky Polito
    Vicky Polito says:

    Just to add another slant to the good ones already mentioned, I suspect that the trope of "well, we wouldn't publish/broadcast this stuff if it wasn't what the public wanted" is a load of crap! I think that media is lazy and news media/journalists have almost all become lazy and under-funded, etc. These lousy stories are cheap and easy and I don't believe that it's the only thing that will "sell". It just sells with a huge profit margin because it is cheap, on all levels. God, I miss the likes of Bill Moyers! But, almost no corporate media will pay for that kind of reporting or story or information. Passing the costs of it to audience subscribers is just slowly starting to evolve as a business model and the one thing I think even a public that craves something different can be said to be wrong is that they are reluctant to pay with cash money for good stories and good, fair reporting.

  9. Evelyn David
    Evelyn David says:

    Vicky, really good point. It's sort of why the networks went crazy with the reality TV shows — cheap to produce. But now the bloom is off that rose, the public is disenchanted (bored) with reality TV, and the networks are returning to scripted TV.

    Where's Playhouse 90 when you need it?

    Thanks, Marian

  10. Evelyn David
    Evelyn David says:

    Lil, you bring up an excellent point. It's scary that these faux celebs lives' become something to model. "Toddlers and Tiaras," "Teen Moms," "Real Housewives of whatever city" — none of these should be lives that a young person aspires to emulate.

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