The Dog Was Doing What in the Bathroom?

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join us for the next two weeks as we reminisce about the animals we loved and those who loved us.

by Bethany Maines

If you’re friends with me on Facebook then you know of my
picture-snapping obsession with my dog Kato.  He’s a two-year old Lab Rottweiler mix with a belief that
people-chairs are really dog beds and that dishwashers are where we put the
silverware to be licked. We named him after Inspector Clouseau’s surprise
attacking valet, so that we could yell, “Kato, now is not the time!” whenever
he jumps out at us, which he does frequently. My friends, acquaintances, and
frequently strangers are forced to listen to my “hilarious” dog stories and
occasionally shown the “baby” photos on my phone.  Yes, I’m that “pet parent.”  I try not to be, but my dog is just that darn cute.  (See photographic evidence below.) 

However, it occurred to me, as I tried to integrate a dog
into my latest manuscript that pets are rather like the bathroom in most books
– they never get mentioned. That is, unless they’re important to the plot line
or they ARE the plot line (see The Cat Who
series by Lillian Jackson Braun). Both bathrooms and pets are important
features of everyday life. Pets require feeding and water and are generally
greeted immediately upon entering a house, as well having a host of other
little ways of integrating themselves into their owner’s lives. Bathrooms, for
obvious reasons, are visited multiple times a day and usually have their own
attendant routines of make-up, showering, and dressing. But both rarely rate a mention in most
books. What gives?
Well, like all the strangers I accost with my Kato stories,
most readers probably just aren’t that interested in the heroine’s pet. And
really, who wants to spend that much time with a protagonist in the restroom?
And of course, with space at a premium, it’s a bit hard to justify giving
paragraphs of space to the pet while the plot languishes about looking for a
little attention. But is a well-written story with a fast moving plot mutually
exclusive with pets and bathrooms? 
Can’t a character blurt out, “I have to pee,” when faced with shocking
news? Can’t the dull routine of feeding the dog, feed a characters wish for
excitement and adventure? Why should the pets and restrooms not at least get
the recognition they deserve for being a meaningful part of our lives?
All of which makes me want to write a story that takes place
in the bathroom… with a dog. I just need a plot and some characters and I’m
8 replies
  1. Laura Bradford
    Laura Bradford says:

    Make him the protag's best friend. I mean, why not. That way, when he or she talks out loud, it works. I know, I for one, sniffed back a few tears with Marley and Me.

  2. Maggie
    Maggie says:

    I have a dog in my Alison book–Trixie, the beloved and "voluptuous" (inside joke with the real, human Trixie) golden retriever. She serves as a way to get Alison, an "inside cat" like her creator, out of the house.

    Kato sounds like a gem! Maggie

  3. Linda Rodriguez
    Linda Rodriguez says:

    Kato is adorable! No wonder you're such a doting mama!

    My protagonist, Skeet Bannion, has two pets, Lady, a collie, and Wilma Mankiller, a once-feral cat from the city. Wilma's name is a nod to the great Cherokee principal chief, one of Skeet's heroes and mine. I think they help to characterize Skeet, and they play a role in the plot but not the mystery. But no bathrooms. That may be a little too much of a challenge!

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