The Mental Getaway

By Laura Bradford

I’m not sure if it’s the stress of my impending deadline (although I think this is going to be a really fun book) or life stuff, but I keep finding myself dreaming of places I want to go.

Some, are favorite spots–places I’ve been and absolutely adore. Others, are places I simply want to go to because of things I’ve heard or pictures I’ve seen.

Today, I want to get on a plane and go to Disney. I just want to smile and play and have ZERO stress.

Next week, I could see that becoming my aunt’s place in the city…where I can write for hours and then head across the park to watch the sea lion’s eat.

Where would you go today if you could?


3 replies
    • Laura Bradford
      Laura Bradford says:

      Ooooh, Marian, yes…a cruise is so relaxing, isn't it? I think some of that is not having a cell phone as a possibility, you know?

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