Party Time or is There a Better Way to Reach Readers?

Time or is There a Better Way to Reach Readers? by Debra H. Goldstein

having a Facebook party on Tuesday night (August 18 from 8 to 9 p.m. EST/ 7 to
8 CST) and you’re invited! It’s a Facebook party being hosted by yours truly
(Debra H. Goldstein), Julia Henry and V.M. Burns to celebrate our August


In the
past, we’ve each had big launches in our cities, attended conferences, made
presentations wherever we were invited, participated in Facebook parties, and
done blog tours, but the world and our normal way of doing things has changed.
As we shelter at home, avoid group gatherings, visit with friends and fans
virtually, we, and other authors, are trying to find the new norm.

writing blogs because we enjoy interacting through the written word– but
lately, there have been a rash of articles saying that is passé. These same
articles argue that newsletters are the way to go, but not every author enjoys
writing and formatting a newsletter and statistically there are only so many
newsletters opened per mailing round.

conferences which offered numerous panels have been canceled for the
foreseeable future and their virtual replacements can only feature a limited
number of speakers. Similarly, traditional in store launches are being done as
virtual launches or takeovers via store or social media sites. Podcasts have
increased in popularity, but again, there aren’t enough guest slots for every author.

we are interested in what you think is the best way for us to reach readers, we
each are giving away a print or e-book copy of our new book — just think,
leave one comment and you have three chances to win a prize because we will
each randomly select a winner for our respective book.

And to
remind you about our books:

Burns is the fourth book in the Dog Club Mystery Series. 

DIGGINGUP THE REMAINS by Julia Henry is the third book in the Garden
Squad mystery series.

THREE TREATS TOO MANY by Debra H. Goldstein is the third book
in the Sarah Blair mystery series.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts
and hope to see you at the party (lots of fun and giveaways).






15 replies
  1. Riley
    Riley says:

    I like the Facebook parties. I also like blogs. I don't like podcasts. I do like newsletters. I will keep praying we can go back to normal and you can go back to conferences and launches and presentations that you are used to. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    • Debra H. Goldstein
      Debra H. Goldstein says:

      We look forward to that, too. In the meantime, we're all trying to find the best way to communicate.

  2. Lynn Brown
    Lynn Brown says:

    I do read the authors newsletters I'm subscribed to but I also read the blogs as I come across them. It a good way for me to learn about new books. Thanks for the chance. All these covers are cute. I love the dog.

  3. dru
    dru says:

    I like the Facebook live event, but prefer when we can interact with the authors ala Zoom. The one thing I dislike with FB feed is that you have to refresh.

  4. Sally from PA
    Sally from PA says:

    I read a number of mystery blogs every day, some on Facebook and also subscribe to a lot of newsletters, which I read. Never listened to a podcast and not really interested to do so. I did one Facebook party for a short time since only a few were my authors. Watched and listened to the Malice zoom, which I liked better. Stay safe and well.

  5. GranthamLynn
    GranthamLynn says:

    That's a hard question I like newsletters but yeah there's a lot to get I don't like Facebook parties because I never remember when I was trying to get on at the wrong time and just doesn't work for me I'm a blogger I like to promote books on my blog I do tours just doing one with Great Escapes I like the chores that's just me I like to connect with authors so anyway that's my thoughts and thanks for a chance to win s legan at best wishes everyone

    • Debra H. Goldstein
      Debra H. Goldstein says:

      Thank you for your opinion. I think all of us are doing Great Escape tours…maybe you'll see us??? Take care…

  6. Marla B
    Marla B says:

    I think it's most enjoyable to connect on social media. Facebook seems to be the easiest platform to use, for me anyway. I enjoy interacting in Facebook parties and groups alike. I also like blogs, although I only have time to regularly check in with a handful. I don't agree that they're passe though. Newsletters are great for catching up with your favorite authors too, but I typically don't discover new authors that way. It's more for keeping up with the old favorites. mbradeen [at] yahoo [dot] com

  7. Canadian Lyn
    Canadian Lyn says:

    I think there is not one way to reach out. This is out of the box thinking time. I have listened to podcasts, read news letters, watched live panels on the various socials. I was lured into this Facebook event through a suggestion on Facebook. I am now introduced to three new authors whose books I intend to purchase and support. So I support trying it all because there is never one answer on how to find new readers/supporters.

  8. Debra H. Goldstein
    Debra H. Goldstein says:

    And the winners are: – PAW AND ORDER by V. M. Burns is the fourth book in the Dog Club Mystery Series.

    Riley – ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com – DIGGINGUP THE REMAINS by Julia Henry is the third book in the Garden Squad mystery series

    MarlaB – . mbradeen [at] yahoo [dot] com- THREE TREATS TOO MANY by Debra H. Goldstein is the third book in the Sarah Blair mystery series.

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