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I’m New Here. Is it Coincidence, or Fate?

by Gay Yellen

When two random and unrelated events combine to create something truly fun, it makes me wonder. How does this kind of luck happen? Is it just a coincidence? Or is it something more?

Good fortune doesn’t come every day. When it happens, it’s definitely something to celebrate. And I am celebrating at this very moment. Here’s why:

Several weeks ago, a message appeared in my inbox, seemingly out of the blue. It was an invitation to join the fine writers of the Stiletto Gang blog. Of course, I was honored and happy to accept. Yet the timing made me wonder. Did a magical alignment in the cosmos have something to do with it?

Weeks before that e-mail arrived, the new cover image for The Body Business, Book #1 in my Samantha Newman Mystery Series, was approved. Back then, only the designer, my publisher, and I knew what it looked like.

So, what were the chances that the book’s cover featured a pair of red stilettos?

The book was released in July. This was the first shipment:


This kind of convergence always makes my ears tingle. Was a special alignment of heavenly bodies beaming down a message to me, whispering, Go for it?

Of course, the rational-thinking me knows that the planets don’t care a fig about things like this. Yet my mind still wants to believe. Red stilettos. Has to be a sign, right?


Synchronicity, or serendipity? Who cares if it came on the tail of a comet or only by chance. I took the invitation as a good omen. 

Therefore, I hereby declare this day of my first Stiletto Gang post to be Happy Happenstance Day. And I’m kicking up my killer red heels (metaphorically speaking) to celebrate the writer/colleagues and readers I hope to meet here.


As a book lover, I’m buoyed by a community of readers who enjoy books as much as I do. As an author, I’m grateful for the generosity of fellow writers. To Kathryn Lane, Saralyn Richard, and Debra Goldstein, thanks for welcoming me into the Stiletto family. I look forward to meeting more Gang members and getting to know our readers.


Happy happenstances, whether meaningful or trivial, deserve our gratitude, especially in these difficult days. Let’s count them among our blessings. And let’s always stay open to new possibilities, heaven-sent, or otherwise.


Has a pleasant coincidence or a lucky chance in your life seemed like a message from the universe? Say hello and tell us about it!

Gay Yellen is a former magazine editor who writes award-winning mysteries touched with humor and romance. You can find her Samantha Newman Mystery SeriesThe Body Business and The Body Next Door —on Amazon. Book #3 in the series is slated for early 2021. Gay loves connecting with readers via her website and Facebook page. She’d love to hear from you!

8 replies
  1. Shari Randall
    Shari Randall says:

    Happy Happenstance Day! This kind of coincidence makes me sit up and take notice, too. How fun! Welcome, Gay!

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