Entries by ABPlum

Oh, The Places We’ll Go

By AB Plum When writing a novel, time and place matter. They anchor, at the simplest level, the story setting. Characters don’t exist in a vacuum so I like putting them in a place, at a time, when they have to make choices. The Early Years, Book 1 in The MisFit Series gives the month, […]

Books Not Recommended

By AB Plum Years ago—I can remember exactly how many but can’t grasp when the days flew by, as the cliché goes—I worked in my county library. I was sixteen. An avid reader. A card-carrying patron from grade-school days. Working there was the best job in town. I earned minimum wage, got vacation, and experience […]

Horse and Buggy Redux

By AB Plum A rep from the National Transportation Safety Board recently exhorted the California legislature to pass a law banning all cellphone use while driving. Yes, this included hands-free usage while behind the wheel. Yaaaay! Ha-ha. Such a law will pass when cows give chocolate milk. Or when we find gold coins in the […]

Something Rotten in Denmark

By AB Plum Smell is one of the least used elements in writing fiction. Interestingly, many scientists believe smell is our most primitive sense and can instantly generate deep memories and emotions. Capturing smells, however, is hard. Yet, in nearly every book I’ve written, I try to tap into smell as a portal into characters’ […]

Snow, Rain, Rainbows, and Writing Fiction

By AB Plum Taxes. Traffic. Too many people. Californians departing the state routinely cite these facts of life as reasons for leaving. Few—in the San Francisco Bay area at least–ever mention the weather. Our sunny days and mild temperatures rival the Mediterranean. In other words, expect the same o’ same o’ temps and sunshine day […]

The Joys of Collecting Kids’ Pictures Books

By AB Plum Okay, we all know writers will read anything: ·        Bread wrappers ·        Installation instructions for electronics ·        Op ed pieces ·        The daily comics ·        Unedited manuscripts ·        Edited, re-edited, re-re-re-edited, final manuscripts ·        Book contracts ·        Downloaded e-doc instructions ·        Kids’ illustrated books Of the above list, kids’ illustrated books rank […]

Peace to one and all

By Barbara Plum aka AB Plum At this time of year, my cul-de-sac hops with holiday celebrations: ·         Dewali (November 7) ·         Hanukkah (December 2-10) ·         Yule (December 21-January 21) ·         Christmas (December 24-25) ·         Kwanzaa (December 26-January 1) I’m aware many people don’t celebrate at this time of year—for a variety of reasons. But. […]

Politics Then and Now

By Barbara Plum aka AB Plum A Two-Word Story A week later … post mid-term elections. Are you glad you voted? Did you imagine the aftermath? Can you envision the days ahead? I am delirious I voted—early. I never imagined the aftermath, and I’ve sent my crystal ball out for refurbishing. I plan to consult […]

Red Shoes and Magic

Serendipitous—something occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way. But what does serendipity have to do with this month’s blog “theme” of red shoes? For me … a lot since I’ve never owned a pair of red shoes. The closest I’ve come is shocking pink athletic kicks. I’ve worn these neon babies on airplanes, […]