Tag Archive for: Paris

Permission Granted

By Evelyn David

One of the things I’m finally realizing, and sadly it’s
taken me way too long to reach this conclusion, is that I need to stop
apologizing for being me. I certainly have given that lecture more times than I
can count as my kids were growing up. Encouraging them to be independent; “own”
their accomplishments; have their own opinions; acknowledge their fears – and never apologize for their
emotions. But I can talk the talk better than I can walk the walk. I’ve spent
way too much time hiding or putting on a brave face or making fun of myself for
my own preferences and fears.

Now one can say, fake it until you make it. And that’s
certainly true in many situations. But in this particular case, I’m talking
about experiences in life that are optional. Or in my case, I’m talking about
fear of flying. I hate it. The only way I get on an airplane and not make a
total fool of myself is by taking drugs.

And I do that. Several times a year, I have to fly. If the
distance is at all drive-able, I always opt for car over plane. No need to tell
me that the risk of an accident in a car is so much higher than air travel. I
know all the stats and they are meaningless in the face of fear. But in order
to see my sons, one of whom lives in Seattle, the other soon to live in Paris – I’ve got to fly.

But here’s the part that I’m finally realizing. I don’t have to like it. I don’t have to get over it. Sure, it might be
nice if I did, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.  I finally came to terms with: “This is
who I am. I have other stellar qualities I hope, but if I have this particular
fear, stop trying to tease me about it, talk me out of it, or point out how
silly it is.” Most fears aren’t logical. If they were, we’d all be
bungee-jumping off Mt.

Do you have a fear which others think silly? What, if
anything, have you done about it?

By the way, did I mention that I am scared to death of
snakes? There I said it!

Marian, the scaredy-cat half of Evelyn David

Evelyn David’s Mysteries 
Audible    iTunes

Audible    iTunes

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series
I Try Not to Drive Past CemeteriesKindleNookSmashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah KindleNookSmashwords
The Holiday Spirit(s) of LottawatahKindleNookSmashwords
Undying Love in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
A Haunting in Lottawatah – Kindle – NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Twister – KindleNookSmashwords
Missing in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Good Grief in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Summer Lightning in Lottawatah – Kindle NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Fireworks – KindleNookSmashwords

The Ghosts of Lottawatah – trade paperback collection of the Brianna e-books
Book 1 I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries (includes the first four Brianna e-books)
Book 2 – A Haunting in Lottawatah (includes the 5th, 6th, and 7th Brianna e-books)
Book 3 – Lottawatah Fireworks (includes the 8th, 9th, and 10th Brianna e-books)

Sullivan Investigations Mystery series
Murder Off the Books KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Murder Takes the Cake KindleNookSmashwords Trade Paperback 
Murder Doubles Back KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Riley Come Home (short story)- KindleNookSmashwords
Moonlighting at the Mall (short story) – KindleNookSmashwords

Love Lessons – KindleNookSmashwords


Change Ain’t Easy

by Evelyn David

For the past six months I’ve kvetched, whined, worried, and conversely
delighted in and even laughed at all the changes in my life. All were for the
good in the long run, but that’s not to say, that most didn’t involve serious
hard work.

To recap the last six months:

We prepped, put on the market, and sold our home of 24 years

We bought another home, after a ragged month of haggling
over minor details (them, not us)

We moved on a day that topped 95 degrees

We had the house painted and a few minor repairs completed while we
lived in this new house

Son number two announced that he’d gotten a fantastic job
opportunity. Only downside, at least for this devoted grandma, is that no
longer will adorable grandkids be 45 minutes away. Instead they were moving to…wait
for it…Paris.
Yes, I know, I shouldn’t whine about Paris, but
do you know how far away Paris
is and how much I loathe flying? They move after the first of the year.

Son number three also announced that he had gotten a
fantastic job opportunity, only downside is that instead of living 25 minutes
away, he would now be living in Seattle.
See objections above.

Then there were the glorious moments:

In May, adorable grandson was born. He is the child of son
number one and his wonderful wife.

In September, son number three announced his engagement to a
wonderful woman.

And ten days later, adorable granddaughter #2 was born (to
son number 2 and his wonderful wife who are moving to Paris).

Seriously, can you keep up? I can’t.

So, with all this change in my real life, I am now faced
with another move, this time a virtual one, in my mystery writing life. The
Stiletto Gang, of which we are proud founders, is moving to Facebook. It’s an
easier way to connect to readers.

Writing this blog has been a lovely way to memorialize some
special moments in our personal and professional lives, as well as to get off
our chests some issues we feel need addressing. And you know what? We still
plan to do that – just on Facebook. If you haven’t already, please “like”
our new page, The Stiletto Gang. Stop by, chat, and catch up on all that’s
happening with our gang.

All best wishes,

Marian, the Northern, frazzled half of Evelyn David



Evelyn David’s Mysteries 
Audible    iTunes

Audible    iTunes

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series
I Try Not to Drive Past CemeteriesKindleNookSmashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah KindleNookSmashwords
The Holiday Spirit(s) of LottawatahKindleNookSmashwords
Undying Love in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
A Haunting in Lottawatah – Kindle – NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Twister – KindleNookSmashwords
Missing in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Good Grief in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Summer Lightning in Lottawatah – Kindle NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Fireworks – KindleNookSmashwords

The Ghosts of Lottawatah – trade paperback collection of the Brianna e-books
Book 1 I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries (includes the first four Brianna e-books)
Book 2 – A Haunting in Lottawatah (includes the 5th, 6th, and 7th Brianna e-books)
Book 3 – Lottawatah Fireworks (includes the 8th, 9th, and 10th Brianna e-books)

Sullivan Investigations Mystery series
Murder Off the Books KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Murder Takes the Cake KindleNookSmashwords Trade Paperback 
Murder Doubles Back KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Riley Come Home (short story)- KindleNookSmashwords
Moonlighting at the Mall (short story) – KindleNookSmashwords

Love Lessons – KindleNookSmashwords

A Writer in Paris

As a writer living in Paris, I’m often asked if I meet with other authors. After all, the city is famous for its salons and literary connections. When people think of Paris, they often think of writers seeking inspiration, languorous lunches and watching the world go by in cafés. Once a week, a writer friend and I visit over coffee then work on our own projects in a cozy cafe.

“But do you meet with lots of other writers like Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald used to?” people ask.

Sadly, no. Although a few writers and I meet to have lunch once or twice a year, we’re all busy with work and family, plotting out our next novels and promoting our currents ones. We’re also scattered all over the city and over the globe. As I wait in line at the grocery store or post office and spend too much time filling out never-ending French paperwork, I feel a little jealous of the Lost Generation, known for their salons and discussion about writing. Then friend and fellow expat writer Ann Mah, author of Kitchen Chinese, reminded me that there is a place where writers meet – the Internet.

Writers have created their own havens online. From the Stiletto Gang to What Women Write to Writer Unboxed, writers gather to share and to read each other’s work. Bestselling authors such as Jennifer Weiner and Harlan Coben exchange messages with friends and fans on Twitter. Through email, authors are able to collaborate on projects. Isn’t it amazing that the writing duo that makes up Evelyn David have never met in person? They didn’t even speak on the phone until they finished their first draft.

Ann was right. I began to look at the Internet the same way my main character did – with awe and appreciation. In my novel, Moonlight in Odessa, Daria lives in Ukraine. The Iron Curtain has come down and she longs to connect to the outside world through the Internet. She has a computer at work, but her boss finds a way to cut her cord to the outside world. Finally, she reaches her goal:

“I finally got the Internet! The technician showed me how to fly from page to page and to navigate the sites. I could see why the Internet started with a capital letter, like a country or a city. It was a whole new galaxy, like the Milky Way. I could read the BBC news, see the latest fashions in Paris, and read Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry. I could search for a new job on Western employment sites. I could plan my escape.”

Sometimes we need a reminder of how lucky we are. My character Daria reminded me it’s important to not take things for granted. Ann reminded me that although we can’t always meet physically, we are able to connect. I have interviewed several authors via email and shared their stories on my blog. Through my website, readers have sent lovely emails about Moonlight in Odessa. Twitter feels like my own personal newspaper. I love reading the blogs of agents and other authors to see what they are passionate about. Several bloggers have kindly done author interviews and reviewed my book. As book sections of newspapers get smaller and smaller, the Internet allows more and more writers to be heard.

The Internet is where it is at, a reunion café open 24/7 where all are welcome.

Many thanks to the writers and the Stiletto Gang for inviting me to share my thoughts!

Janet Skeslien Charles


Buy Moonlight in Odessa at Amazon!