Planning for Thanksgiving

It’s my turn to do Thanksgiving Dinner once again. Last year we traveled to Southern California to our youngest daughter’s big, beautiful house and I didn’t have to do a thing. Plus I got to spend time with grandchildren I don’t have the opportunity to be with very often. When I go down there, I miss out on sharing Thanksgiving with the family that lives nearby.

Everyone who knows me, knows I really enjoy cooking. Turkey is one of the easiest things there is to do and have come out delicious. If everyone comes I’ve invited, we’ll have a crowd, and this year I’m asking everyone to bring something so I don’t have to do it all.

I have much to be thankful for. I’ve had no major health problems and my hubby (and best friend) of 60 years, though he’s slowed down considerably, is doing well health-wise too. I’ve been blessed with a big family, many grandchildren and great grands. No, things don’t always go smoothly, do they ever with a big family? We have drama at times, but I’ve learned not to get too excited, or worried. Praying works far better.

As for my writing, I’ve had over thirty books published and I still enjoy doing it and am thrilled when a new one comes out. I like promoting because I love making new friends–and I’ve made many over the years, other writers and readers. We’ve had the opportunity to travel to places we’d have never thought of going to thanks to mystery conferences. Together we went to Hawaii when I was invited to be an instructor at the Maui Writers Retreat. Alone I went to Alaska twice and made good friends with a Native family that I’m still in touch with. Being a writer has offered me many opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise, and I’m thankful for that.

Back to the dinner, now it’s time to plan my shopping list and decide exactly what I’ll be cooking and what I’ll ask others to bring. There are certain things I always make–everyone loves dressing, and there are a few including me who want candied sweet potatoes, and there are the kids who think it isn’t Thanksgiving unless we have the green bean casserole. What about you? What has to be on your menu?


7 replies
  1. Evelyn David
    Evelyn David says:

    Great post Marilyn. You have a wonderful family and I always love to hear about your traditions. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving in my house without sweet potato casserole with marshmallow topping.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. Maria Geraci
    Maria Geraci says:

    I make a delicious vegetable medley that involves sour cream, Durkees Fried Onion Rings and swiss cheese. I began making this years ago and the kids would die of disappointment if I didn't make it every year!

  3. Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith
    Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith says:

    Thanks, Marian. I like the marshmallow topped sweet potato casserole too.

    Maria, I want that recipes, it sounds wonderful!

    Thanks you, buy essay.

  4. Prentiss Garner
    Prentiss Garner says:

    I have inherited the role of Holiday cook now that my sisters and I are the oldest generation (still hard to wrap my head around that! My sisters can't cook and I can and the kids demand that things be done just like my mother used to do them–turkey, dressing, ham, collards, mac and cheese, butterbeans and corn, homemade craberry sauce, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes and potato salad. Takes awhile to get all of that done!

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