Sandra Cisneros and the Macondo Writers’ Foundation by Juliana Aragon Fatula

“Macondo began in 1995 when author Sandra Cisneros gathered a group of writers, artists, scholars and activists around her dining table in her King William home to meet informally for rigorous writing workshops. As such we have very established traditions and expectations that include a formal application process aimed at professional writers of all genres, and the “Compassionate Code of Conduct,” a document drafted by a group of former Macondistas outlining the principles and ethics that govern our organization. We have over two hundred lifetime members, many of whom have been with us from the beginning. Macondo has grown and solidified itself as a space of intense artistic and cultural creativity where writers, artists, thinkers, scholars, and critics can come together and inspire and challenge one another in order to incite change in our respective communities.” Reprinted from the Macondo Foundation website.

In July 2011, I travelled to San Antonio to attend my first Macondo Foundation Writers’ Workshop with Sandra Cisneros and her Macondistas. Since it was my first year, I was called a Mocosa, but now that I’ve been accepted I can call myself a Macondista. I’m very proud to be part of this organization. Today I’d like to tell a story about how I met Sandra, applied to her foundation, travelled to San Antonio, Texas, and made a lasting impression on all who attended that year. 

I had just published my first book of poetry, Crazy Chicana in Catholic City by Ghost Road Press in Denver. Later a second edition was published by Conundrum Press.  I met Sandra Cisneros when I attended an All Pueblo Reads Benefit Ball at the Rawlings Library. She had been a role model for me since I read her classic, House on Mango Street, in college. I brought a copy of my book to the dinner and handed it to her when she came to our table. I was sitting in the cheap seats, way in the back of the room. Sandra greeted her guests and worked her way all the way back to our table. I made the decision to give her a gift of my poetry book. No expectations. Just a gift. 

She asked me to sign it and I gladly obliged. That evening she returned to her hotel room and read my book cover to cover. It only takes about an hour. The next day we attended a reading she did at the library and she saw me sitting in the front row. I was sitting with friends and my college professors from CSU Pueblo’s English Department and Chicano Studies Department. 

She told the crowd about my gift, my book, and how it had moved her and inspired her to write poetry. The crowd and I were dumbfounded. My professors looked at me like I was on fire. Inside I was ablaze basking in her praise of my book and my poetry.  She told the crowd that they should read my book because it was remarkable. I don’t remember her exact words but she spent a good five minutes at her reading praising my work. Then she asked if I had any copies with me to sell along with her at her book signing afterword. I happened to have a small box in my trunk. 

She asked the library to set me up next to her and I sold copies of my book and signed them along side my mentor and Chicana Icon. I felt spellbound with her magnetism. She carried herself like a queen but treated everyone like they were old friends. There was nothing haughty about her. She gave me an excellent example of how to conduct myself at a book signing. 

We took photos together and she signed my copies of her books and whispered to me. Your poetry makes me want to write poetry. She told me to  use that to promote my book. I was stunned. Then she told me about her foundation the Macondo Foundation and invited me to apply for membership. She warned me that it was tough to get accepted and not to get discouraged and keep trying the following year if I didn’t get in the first time. 

So I did as she suggested. The second year I was invited to attend my first Macondo Writers’ Workshop in Texas at the Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio. I bravely held a yard sale and sold my belongings to strangers to earn enough money for traveling and meals. 

When I arrived at the dorms, I realized I needed a few things from the store for my room. I walked to the nearest Goodwill and bought what I needed. I don’t recall if I told the cashier that this was my second time visiting San Antonio, or if I bragged about why I was visiting. It’s all a blur. But someone in the store may have heard me and realized I was a tourist and easy prey. Tourists have money, right. 

I returned to my dorm room set my purse down next to my laptop computer and stepped inside the bathroom to wash my hands. I heard a tremendous crash outside my door and when I peeked out the door, I saw a shadow rush out my room, down the hall, and down the stairs. I had been robbed. My wallet, with ID, credit cards, cash had been snatched along with my laptop. 

For a moment I thought I was being punked by the Macondistas as a Mocosa. When I realized I’d been robbed we contacted the police and I gave a statement to a very good looking Latino man. I felt embarrassed at my stupidity of not locking my dorm door when I returned. I left my door open hoping the other writers would realize I was there and wanted to meet them. I met them and soon everyone in the hall was introducing me as the chick that just got robbed. Nothing like this had happened before. 

Sandra was notified and contacted me immediately to be sure I was unharmed. She asked if my manuscript had been stolen with my laptop. I had my manuscript on a thumb drive in my make up bag. It was not stolen. She asked the other writers to help me with paying for meals and to take me out to dinner. One writer donated cash to me to help. 

I met some generous, wonderful people from all over the country. Writers of every marginalized society. Writers of color, LGBTQ writers, men and women with a common goal. To help other marginalized writers like them. 

At the end of the week, I attended a celebration at a local nightclub. Sandra was the guest and MC. She came on stage dressed as Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of OZ. She had a crown, a ballgown, a wand, and entertained as only Sandra can. She never mentioned me or my robbery. 

The next day there was a scheduled reading for the Macondistas at the University. Sandra explained what had happened to me without pointing me out to the crowd and asked everyone to bid on her Glenda the Good Witch costume from the previous night to buy me a new laptop. I had no idea of any of her plans. I was shocked when they raised enough money in about ten minutes to replace my stolen laptop.

The generosity of Sandra and her Macondistas has always stayed with me. The next time I attended Macondo was 2015? This trip we stayed at a hotel and worked out of the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center. My second visit I met another set of Macondistas and felt equally accepted into the fold. 

This year I’m unable to attend but plan on saving money for next year’s workshop in July. However, I have been given the honor of being on the reading committee to select the new entries into Macondo for the fiction genre. I’m looking forward to reading all of the submissions and evaluating them for being accepted into the foundation.  I’ve done this previously for poetry for the High Plains Book Awards Festival in Billings, MT. I feel honored and excited to be included in this process. I look forward to meeting some of the new Macondistas when I attend in the future. 

The Perfect Ending

by Bethany Maines

Sci-fi season is done and I’m back to working on
mysteries!  Yay!  Something I’m utterly comfortable with and
totally know how to do.  Wait… how do you
do this again?  I think I’ve got genre
whiplash.  Can I just toss in some aliens
at the end of this thriller and solve everything?
As I plug away toward the ending on my latest WIP
(work-in-progress) I find myself struggling to find the perfect stopping point
(that doesn’t include aliens). Some genres are more forgiving of ambiguity in
an ending, but I think that across all genre’s the perfect ending is one that
feels satisfactory to the characters. I’ve read many books where it was as
though author just wandered off and their lead character is left twisting in
the wind. (Grapes of Wrath, I’m looking at you. 
Just because you couldn’t come up with more tortures for your characters
does not mean you just get to quit writing Steinbeck.) I’m all for leaving room
for character development and a sequel, but… uh… let’s have a little bit of
satisfaction for the reader and character.
And an author probably shouldn’t subvert their genre too
hard.  Hamlet is not meant to end with
Hamlet and Ophelia riding off into the sunset. 
Romances should definitely have the two main characters getting together
and mysteries should solve the damn mystery. 
Don’t betray the audiences trust just to be clever.  But that still leaves a lot of leeway.  Just HOW do I want my characters to get
together?  What’s the perfect way to expose
the murderer?  It’s like I’ve got a
choose-your-own-adventure in my head and I’m the only one who can figure out if
I’m supposed to flip to page 42 or 117. 
So wish me luck as I venture off to page 117.  Hopefully I don’t die.

3 novels, 1 low price
Welcome to the universe of Galactic Dreams, where fairy tales are reimagined for a new age—the future.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery SeriesSan Juan Islands MysteriesShark Santoyo Crime Series, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTubeTwitter and Facebook.

Location, Location, Location


By Lynn McPherson

The setting of a book is a critical part of a story. Location
can determine the mood before opening the first page. A big city will feel
different than a coastal village, or a domestic setting versus one abroad. As a
cozy writer, my location is pre-determined since the majority of cozy mysteries
take place in small, idyllic towns. But even within these parameters, there are
several options.

In my Izzy Walsh
Mystery Series,
I chose a fictional small town in New England, not far from
New York City. It was an easy decision. Every time I’ve been there, the warmth
and beauty of New England captivated me. In addition, when I started writing
the series, I was a new mom. Writing was a great escape for me, and part of
that was going on a vacation to one of my favourite places every time I looked
at my screen.
With the end of February approaching, I’ve been thinking of
warm weather and beach escapes. It’s fair to say the springtime always makes me
feel like it’s time for a quick jaunt. March break and the slow end of winter
stirs up a desire to run away from the dreary end of the cold days and long
nights here in my own small town, not far from Toronto, Canada. However,
instead of physically leaving, this year I will be planning an escape on paper.
I’m considering a short story, or possibly even a new series, that incorporates
a beach or, at the very least, short-sleeve weather. I’m ready to soak in the
warmth and bask in the rays of an imaginary sunshine.
Do you have any place, real or imagined that you like to
escape to when you need a break? Do you have a favourite location or setting in
books that you gravitate toward? I’m always happy to discuss beautiful vacation
spots and let my mind take me there, even just for a few minutes.

Lynn McPherson has worked for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ran a small business, and taught English across the globe. She has travelled the world solo where her daring spirit has led her to jump out of airplanes, dive with sharks, and learn she would never master a surfboard. She now channels her lifelong love of adventure and history into her writing, where she is free to go anywhere, anytime. Her cozy series has two books out: The Girls' Weekend Murder and The Girls Whispered Murder.  

Book to Movie Adaptation

I love reading. I love mysteries. I love my imagination.

When I read a book, even though the author describes the characters and the scenery, it is my imagination that makes it a film playing in my head while I’m enjoying the ride. I hear the voices and their pronunciation. I see the outfit. I see them. It’s my imagination when they tilt their head this way and that. My film always stays true to the book that I’m reading.

I’ve seen TV-movies made of books that I enjoyed and have been disappointed in the changes they made to my film version and the book. Not a good sign for me.

Luckily if I see a TV-movie based on a book that I have not read, I’m more likely to enjoy the movie.

What say you? Have you liked TV-movie adaptation of books you’ve enjoyed?

–Dru Ann

What is Normal?–by T.K. Thorne

   Writer, humanist,
          dog-mom, horse servant and cat-slave,
       Lover of solitude
          and the company of good friends,
        New places, new ideas
           and old wisdom.

When I was writing my historical novel, Noah’s Wife, I realized my central character had Asperger’s Syndrome. At first, I rejected the idea, but a wiser part of my mind prevailed, and I let her be who she was. I added researching the condition to my digging into the ancient Mid East culture, geology, and archeological findings that shaped the background for my novel about the wife of Noah. 

Na’amah’s disabilities turned out to be strengths I never suspected, and I wrote in the author notes that I thought it was possible we were looking at this condition from a prejudiced and skewed perspective. 

Maybe we all carry genes that can express these abilities and difficulties in various ways, and they are part of our evolutionary inheritance. I thought I was going out on a limb, so stumbling on this video (link below) about neurodiversity was of great interest. Maybe we need to take another look at how we define what it means to be human.


T.K. Thorne’s childhood passion for storytelling deepened when she became a police officer in Birmingham, Alabama.  “It was a crash course in life and what motivated and mattered to people.” In her newest novel, HOUSE OF ROSE, murder and mayhem mix with a little magic when a police officer discovers she’s a witch. 

Both her award-winning debut historical novels, NOAH’S WIFE and ANGELS AT THE GATE, tell the stories of unknown women in famous biblical tales—the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. Her first non-fiction book, LAST CHANCE FOR JUSTICE, the inside story of the investigation and trials of the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, was featured on the New York Post’s “Books You Should Be Reading” list. 

T.K. loves traveling and speaking about her books and life lessons. She writes at her mountaintop home near Birmingham, often with two dogs and a cat vying for her lap. 

 More info at Join her private newsletter email list and receive a two free short stories at “TK’s Korner.

Copy Cut Paste

By Cathy Perkins

Have you heard about the latest scandal rocking RomanceLandia?
A woman has been caught lifting sentences, paragraphs, pages from multiple (up
to 20 and counting) authors and stringing them together into a new book.

Copy. Cut. Paste. 


I thought about this while I walked the dogs and see the following spectrum from the benign to the terrible.

The Same, But Different

How many times have we seen that phrase as to what an
agent/publisher wants? It’s why tropes are so popular in RomanceLandia: friends
to lovers; secret baby. The mystery world has its own familiar plots. The
protagonist who races to save the world before the villain takes over/destroys it.
The serial killer; can the hero stop him before he kills again? The small-town
heroine who a body and must investigate to remove herself from the prime
suspect position.
Shoot, I’m part of a Common Elements Project where we’re all
given the same five required elements, and then told Go!
What makes all of these “work” is each author will tell the
story in a different way, with their unique voice. 

So, the same…but different.

The Inadvertent

This may be every author’s secret fear. Or maybe it’s just
I read. A lot.
There’s always the concern a story’s clever phrase has
tucked away in a memory cell and will reappear in a similar fashion on my page.
I can’t point to a particular phrase—if I recognized it, I’d change it—but I fear
it could happen. I remember reading—somewhere—that this is more common than
expected. Or maybe the point of the article was it happens a lot more than we

But, again, I stress it’s inadvertent.

And the Ugly

Stealing. Deliberately.
Plagiarism hurts authors at a deeper level than the whack-a-mole,
steal-a-book in a “free” download sites. Those sites and the people who use
them are stealing from authors financially. 

Plagiarism takes an author’s soul.
Words we’ve sweated over, melded into scenes to convey action, character and
theme are casually stolen with no thought to the crafting that underlies them.
And worse, it’s done with full knowledge of the theft.
One of the authors impacted by Serruya is a friend—Courtney
Milan. She’s written a post about her experience and her reaction. Because the
hurt is so personal, I won’t presume to tell you about it. Instead, I urge you
to read her words.

Authors – Have you worried about the inadvertent? Found your
work ripped off?
Readers – Have you read something you felt was a little too close
to something else you’ve read?

On a completely different note, I put DOUBLE DOWN on sale this
week because it’s my birthday and I like to share (legally). 

second book in the Holly Price series, written because readers wanted to see
events from Detective JC Dimitrak’s perspective.
isn’t supposed to be in the cards for blackjack dealer Maddie Larsson. 
Busted takes on a new meaning when her favorite customer, a
former Poker World Tour champion, is murdered. His family claims—loudly and
often—Maddie is the gold-digging murderer. She better prove she’s on the level
before the real killer cashes in her chips. 

If the victim’s body had been dumped five hundred yards up
the road, Franklin County Sheriff’s Detective JC Dimitrak wouldn’t have been
assigned to the Tom Tom Casino murder case. Instead, he’s hunting for suspects
and evidence while dealing with a nemesis from the past and trying to preserve
his own future. He better play his hand correctly and find the killer before an
innocent woman takes the ultimate hit.

Find it here from your favorite store. 

And because I forgot to put it on my calendar, HONOR CODE is
also on sale this weekend, with a group promo.

In a small southern town
where everyone normally knows each other’s business, veteran detective Larry
Robbins must solve the disappearance of eighty-year-old widower,
African-American George Beason.

When evidence arises that Beason may have left town on his
own, it would be easy for Robbins to close the case, but his gut instinct tells
him more’s at stake. As he uncovers clues about Beason’s deceased wife and his
estranged daughter, Robbins must untangle conflicting motives and hidden
agendas to bring Beason home alive.

HONOR CODE hit #1 in its category at release and the most
recent fraud alert says another 5000 people downloaded it off a steal-a-book site
this month. You can pick up a copy here or here

Happy Reading! 

Introducing Wallie MacGregor in AFTER YOU’VE GONE

Kay Kendall

Last week my third mystery
launched. My book’s birthday plus my own made it a stellar week. I can’t
give you a piece of birthday cake, so here’s a song for you.
Fiona Apple sings “After You’ve
The song was
penned in 1918, remaining popular throughout the next several decades—especially
during the 1920s, which is what I was looking for. Even in the last 30 years
many singers have covered it. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Edie Gourmet, and
many more. In truth, the song is fantastic. Singing styles change, but the song holds up. For comparison, here’s a performance fro 1927 by a star of that era, Ruth Etting.
All my mysteries take their titles
from popular songs. My first two are Desolation Row and Rainy Day
But because this new book takes place in 1923, I can hardly use another Bob
Dylan song, can I?
Copyright laws don’t cover song titles,
but lyrics are. While Dylan’s are still protected, “After You’ve Gone” is
no longer under copyright. These words from the chorus fit the storyline of my new mystery.
After you’ve gone and left me crying
After you’ve gone there’s no denying,
You’ll feel blue, you’ll feel sad,
You’ll miss the bestest pal you’ve ever
There’ll come a time, now don’t forget
There’ll come a time, when you’ll
regret it.
Oh! Babe, think what you’re doing.
You know my love for you will drive me
to ruin,
After you’ve gone,
After you’ve gone away, away. 

After You’ve Gone (1918)
Music by Turner Layton and lyrics by Henry

When you read my new mystery, you’ll
see how many characters must carry on after someone has gone—someone
very near and dear to them. The biggest loss of all kicks off the mystery, of course.
But there are others—oh so many others. Just count them all up. You’ll see.

Author Kay
Kendall is passionate about historical mysteries.  She lives in Texas with
her Canadian husband, three house rabbits, and spaniel Wills.
 Visit Kay at her website  
or on


Living With a Mystery

by J.M. Phillippe

In October of 2018, some friends of mine and I met up at a shelter on the Upper East Side in Manhattan to look at cats. The giant, brand new ASPCA shelter was closed down for reasons the website wasn’t sharing, so we were at another city shelter — along with everyone else, it seemed. I met up with my friend, let’s call her J, and her two teenage twin daughters. The girls immediately went to look at all the animals, and were already getting misty eyed about the ones that might not be going home with anyone.

But me, I was on a mission: I wanted to get a bonded pair of kitties, one of them possibly being black since I’ve heard that black cats are still harder to adopt out. (Though it seems that this may be a myth, there were a lot of black kitties up for adoption.) I wasn’t sure if I wanted kittens or adult cats, but I knew I wanted cats under the age of six. I was still grieving the loss of my beloved Oscar, and wasn’t ready to take on senior kitties that maybe had health issues.

But while there were lots of tags talking about bonded kitties, it was soon obvious that the shelter wan’t actually focused too much on keeping them together. I was told by a volunteer that if both cats seemed social, bonded pairs would be separated and adopted out  individually, in order to give them their best chance at being adopted. I was also told that if you wanted to get a kitten you’d better show up early, much earlier than we had.

So we wandered around trying to find what I was looking for, and I was starting to think I was going to go home with a single cat (since, unless they are bonded, most shelters won’t let you adopt two adult cats at once). 

Then, the teen girls spotted them: two kitties, stuck in the less glamorous cages in the middle of the hallway, where the “special case” cats were. Two cats, whose cages had been connected, were curled up together, their backs to the world, their ears flat, trying everything they could to get away from anyone who tried to look at them. They were so terrified that the shelter volunteers draped towels over their cages to give them some privacy.

They were the only intact bonded pair in the place, and one of them was a black kitty. Here! the teen girls said. We found what you were looking for!

The problem was, they were too scared to do any sort of visitation, and too scared to even try to say hello to without hissing. Adopting these two cats would be adopting complete unknowns.

A couple I kept seeing around looking at kitties pulled me aside. Are you looking at those two cats? They are our second choice. We’d be really happy to see them go to a happy home. They are very sweet — we can tell!

So now I was getting big teenage girl eyes, and mopey couple eyes (they ended up going with a pair of cats that had some health issues and couldn’t be taken home that day), and these two cats who scrambled at the back of their cages when I tried to say hi to them.

So, of course, I adopted them. Brooklyn, a tabby, and Savannah, a black kitty.

The only thing the shelter could tell me was that they were owner surrendered and about four years old. Good health — a little overweight, and some teeth issues typical of their age.

The teen girls and my friend helped me carry them home to Brooklyn, no small feat while holding two cardboard carriers that had to be held just so or they might fall apart. When I got them home, they stayed in their open boxes until the next day, when they found hiding places in the living room. I consulted a friend who fosters cats who said to take them out of their hiding places and put them in the bathroom — the living room was going to be too much for them. I did, and it was a traumatic event for all three of us.

Eventually, after trying to figure out if I should change their names, I landed on calling them nicknames of their original names: B.K. for Brooklyn, and Savvy for Savannah. Slowly, they started to come out more, and spend time near me more, and eventually even let me pet them more.

When I went to make sure their microchips were transferred over correctly in my name, I found out that they were listed as lost. The shelter had updated all my information, but hadn’t updated their status. I found out they were born in 2014, and listed as lost in 2015, and then owner surrendered to the shelter on their birthday in 2018. As far as what happened to them in between or what their lives were like, I have no idea. Savvy startles at the sound of an opening can. Maybe that means something, maybe not. Both do not like to be picked up (yet). It’s been four months and they are just now able to sit either on my lap or curled up next to me, and they still run away if I walk in their direction. Maybe this is all about the trauma of being relocated. Maybe they are just naturally more skittish than some cats. Maybe something I will never know about happened to them.

In the meantime, we keep working on building trust together. In a weird way, I feel like we are all working through grief together, me getting over the death of the cat I had before them, them getting over the humans they had before me. Bonding wasn’t instantaneous for any of us, with me learning to love them as unique creatures over time and getting used to their specific personalities. Savvy plays fetch and curls up next to me in the bed but is more shy of strangers. B.K. is more curious and brave in general, and likes to sleep by my legs — she wouldn’t let me touch her the first month, but so far is the only one of the two who can tolerate being on my lap.

I still wonder — and probably always will — about the life they left behind. But I am very glad that we all found each other, even when their sibling rivalry acts up, or they meow loudly in the night just for attention. Theirs is the kind of mystery I can learn to live with.


J.M. Phillippe is the author
of the novels 
Likeness and The Christmas Spirit, the sci-fairy tales Aurora One and The Glitter of Gold (part of the Galactic Dreams boxed sets)
 and the short stories The Sight and Plane Signals. She has lived in the
deserts of California, the suburbs of Seattle, and the mad rush of New York
City. She works as a clinical social worker in Brooklyn, New York and spends
her free time binge-watching quality TV, drinking cider with amazing friends,
and learning the art of radical self-acceptance, one day at a time

I HEART The Stiletto Gang!

Paula Gail Benson

this lovely month, I have to admit, I adore my Stiletto Gang blogging partners.

a truly delightful group with which to be affiliated!

opportunity to join this blogging band came from two outstanding writers: Linda
Rodriguez, acclaimed mystery author, poet, and writing teacher, and Debra Goldstein,
former judge, award nominated short story writer, and author of several mystery
series, including the new Sarah Blair One
Taste Too Many
. Not only do I respect these wonderful women, but I feel
incredibly lucky to count them among my friends. So many times they have come
through with a word of encouragement to me when it was so needed. And, I love
reading their work!

I was
fortunate enough to room with Debra and Kay Kendall at Killer Nashville the
year Kay’s novel Rainy Day Women (how
could you not love a book with that title?) received two Silver Falchion awards:
(1) best mystery/crime novel (presented by Anne Perry), and (2) best book by an
attending author (presented by conference founder Clay Stafford). On the night
of the banquet, I had called it an early evening, but understand when they came
in from celebrating that I raised an arm in salute before returning to sleep.
We continued partying after we all woke the next day.

introduced me to T.K. Thorne’s beautiful writing by sending me a copy of T.K.’s
Noah’s Wife. T.K. tells history in an
involving manner and her descriptions bring you right to the heart of the

Randall and I got to know each other by blogging with Writers Who Kill. We met in
person at Malice Domestic. This year, I am so proud to be celebrating her
Agatha nomination for best first novel, Curses,
Boiled Again!
, an Allie Larkin/Lobster Shack mystery. I’m also glad that we
share past careers as librarians!

Maines continues to amaze me with her boundless enthusiasm and the scope of her
work. As Publishers’ Weekly put it: “Maines deftly combines humor with action.”
You go girl, and keep going!

had the privilege of moderating a Malice Domestic panel with the Sparkle Abbey team of Mary Lee
Woods and Anita Carter. What a Dynamic Duo! I loved hearing
about their writing process and they are so much fun.

her, Dru Ann Love, brings joy to so many people just by signing into Facebook
early each morning with a hello and happy message. Her blog has spotlighted so
may fine authors and been nominated for numerous awards. She is the proud
recipient of the 2017 MWA Raven. But, I’ll never forget, when she made a trip
to Charleston, S.C., she asked me to join her with Dorothy McFalls for a day of
fabulous exploration and food. Thank you, Dru!

Today bestselling author Julie Mulhern writes the Country Club Murders and has
just begun a new Poppy Fields Adventures series. A.B. Plum has an impressive
list of psychological thrillers. J.M. Phillippe made my holiday season with her
paranormal holiday novella, The Christmas
, about Charlene Dickenson, who must navigate her way through an
unexpected spirit life. It’s a terrific read.

Perkins and I share a background of being raised in South Carolina. Cathy now lives in
Washington and writes financially-based mysteries. Her work has won several
awards, including the distinguished Claymore at Killer Nashville.

Penz Sheluk and Lynn McPherson are our Canadian contingent. Judy and I have
been fellow Guppies (members of the online Sisters in Crime group that
originated to celebrate the “great unpublished”). I’m so impressed that in
addition to her own writing, she also runs Superior Shores Press, her own
imprint. Lynn McPherson writes the light-hearted Izzy Walsh mystery series that
takes place in the 1950s on the New England coast. Her second novel, The Girls Whispered Murder, came out in

poet extraordinaire Juliana Aragon Fatula has just joined us. I love what
Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on
Mango Street
, says about Juliana’s work: “[she]writes histories so
terrifying they feel as if they were written with a knife. . . . Her
fearlessness is inspirational.” Wow. I can’t wait to read Red Canyon Falling on Churches.

here is my Valentine’s message to my terrific blogging partners:

heels in the morning
a day of nonconforming.

heels at night
a dancing invite.

stilettos of red
one can be blue
follow the thread
Of your
writing bold and true

And, don’t let me
finish without saying, I heart each of YOU!

Book Review: A Different Kind of Fire by Suanne Schaefer

by Shari Randall

My preferred genre to read is mystery but occasionally I branch out, usually into historical fiction. I especially enjoy novels about women breaking barriers and finding their voice. Gilded Age stories and stories of artists are also my go to’s, so debut novelist Suanne Schaefer’s A Different Kind of Fire was right up my alley.
Schaefer’s passionate tale of love, art, and first wave feminism centers on Ruby Schmidt, a talented artist who leaves her family and fiancé, Bismarck in Truly, Texas, to attend art school in Philadelphia in 1891. Despite her obvious talent, Ruby struggles against the restrictions placed on women, not just by society but also by her art school. She finds solace in the bohemian world of her fellow artists, and begins a lifelong love affair with Willow, daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia family. 
When Willow’s family discovers the affair, Ruby is left destitute on the streets of Philadelphia. She becomes pregnant by a volatile Italian artist and marries him, but when he leaves her, she is forced to return to West Texas, to face those she left behind.

Ruby is a gutsy heroine – headstrong, determined, driven to pursue her art but longing to reconcile her love for art, love for her family, passion for Bismarck, and her longing for Willow – the “different kinds of fire” of the title.
The love scenes are erotic and explicit. Schaefer’s thorough research into and knowledge the art world of Gilded Age Philadelphia provides fascinating context, and her love of her West Texas roots is evident. 
Ruby’s struggle to reconcile her passions – for art, for those she loves – made for an enthralling read. 
I’m already looking forward to Schaefer’s next book, Hunting the Devil, about a biracial American physician who gets caught up in the Rwandan genocide in 1994. 

You can learn more about Suanne at her website, The Art of Words.