Move Over, Partner!

By Lynn McPherson

I’m in the process of developing a new cozy mystery series.
Part of that is figuring out all the characters. I’ve known for a while who the
protagonist is. But now I need an ally —someone trustworthy enough for her to
share secrets with. How else am I going to bounce ideas off about who the
murderer could be with the readers?

Today I’ve decided to share my top three characteristics in
a sidekick. I’m sure there are lots of ideas. Here are mine:
Listening Skills!
What is the point of having great insight
if there is no one around to share it with? A sidekick in a mystery must be
willing to indulge the protagonist no matter what they are prattling on about. It
goes beyond the passive ability to hear. The character must absorb what the
sleuth is saying and sometimes even help progress ideas along so they are not
mere musings. The amateur sleuth can either turn them into coherent theories,
or pass them off as sheer observations.
Of all the qualities in a friend, this one
always tops of the charts. The main character in a cozy needs someone to rely
on through thick and thin. This is especially important in the business of
amateur sleuthing since the protagonist is almost always mixed up in murder!
It’s important for the reader to have faith in the friendship, as well. With so
many suspects on the loose, there should be at least one dependable friend at
all times—someone who will always be there, even when things go awry.
Part of the charm of mysteries is the
knowledge that a solution lies at the end of the book. The puzzle will be
solved, order will be restored. Light mysteries require an element of joy that
is brought about through close relationships within the surrounding
community—most notably, with her ever-present true friend and confidante. Why
not make them a funny? It’s a great way to lighten the mood and show the sleuth
doesn’t take herself too seriously all of the time.
So there you have it, folks. My take on what
makes a good sidekick. Agree? Disagree? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Until then, happy reading! 

Lynn McPherson has worked for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ran a small business, and taught English across the globe. She has travelled the world solo where her daring spirit has led her to jump out of airplanes, dive with sharks, and learn she would never master a surfboard. She now channels her lifelong love of adventure and history into her writing, where she is free to go anywhere, anytime. Her cozy series has three books out: The Girls’ Weekend Murder and The Girls Whispered Murder, and The Girls Dressed For Murder.  

5 replies
  1. Debra H. Goldstein
    Debra H. Goldstein says:

    Sidekicks are really important. Some of the first ones I remember were on TV — Pat on Roy Rogers – loyal and comic relief; Ethel on I love Lucy – always there for her. Good luck with your new series.

    • Lynn McPherson
      Lynn McPherson says:

      Thanks so much, Debra. There are some great pairings on TV–Ethel was great. I'm a big fan of Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, too!

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