What Inspires You?

by Sparkle Abbey

“All the effort in the world won’t matter if
you’re not inspired.”―Chuck Palahniuk

is everywhere. As writers, we are always looking for ways to be stirred to
greatness… or at least to productivity. Inspiration drives actions. In our case, that means words on the blank page.

When we’re on deadline, as we are now, we don’t get to wait for inspiration
to hit, we have to sit down and do the work. But that doesn’t mean we stop
looking for ways to be inspired. 

We’re moved by great books and entertaining movies. A photo of the sea or a road trip with our closest girl friends. A great conversation with differing viewpoints or a good laugh. 

Sometimes inspiration is as simple as remembering why we wanted a particular goal in the first place. Remembering the “why” can be pretty inspiring.

Other times you simply need a break in the action. We’ve heard it referred to as refilling the well, and that’s truly what it feels like. Your inspiration and creativity has been depleted and you need to pause and refill.

We also love a good quote. Here are a few that
have inspired us:

“I don’t go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head.” – Princess Diana

Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.” –  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.  

“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

These are the things that inspire us, but we’re not all inspired by the same things or in the same ways. We’d love to hear what inspires you?

Mary Lee and Anita aka Sparkle Abbey

Here’s a little more news from us:
We are busy working on books nine and ten in The Pampered Pets Mysteries. 

We just received word from our publisher that Raiders of the Lost Bark,
book eight in the series, will soon be an ebook special so watch for that special pricing coming soon. 

Also, if you’re missing any of our backlist this is a great time to catch up so you’re ready for book eight. Details on all the titles are available here.

And if
you want to make sure you’re up on all the Sparkle Abbey news, stop by our
website and sign up for updates at 
3 replies
  1. kk
    kk says:

    What inspires me is other people. I learn their stories and take heart, decide I can do something that I doubted, work harder, overcome, keep on truckin' and so on and on. If I am in need of an idea to spark my writing, a plot twist, let's say…then by talking to a friend, my imagination gets jump started. In short, I am all about communicating with and reaching out to other people. We are all in this life together…yet none of us is going to get out alive. We need to love and support each other.

  2. kk
    kk says:

    Here is my salute to the author duo that comprises SPARKLE ABBEY…out of whose imaginations come the wittiest titles in the book biz! Bar none!

  3. Kimberly Jayne
    Kimberly Jayne says:

    I find what inspires me most is hearing about other writers' successes, and frequently how they achieved it. When I talk out my story scenes with writer friends, that also inspires me–mostly because it always unlocks the next few ideas and less meandering paths toward completion of a project. I am also inspired by good quotes. One of my favorites is: Begin.

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